the problem that i am experiancing is that when i go to "file" then "import" and i select the Video that i want to import and i press ok, nothing happens. this only happens with certain movies/videos that i want to import and yes, they are in the right format. But when i go to import certain movies and press ok, nothing happens. Can someone please help? thank you
It sounds like your file name is to long. Silly problem for sure. Just shorten the file name and you can rename it to whatever you want once it's in iTunes.
i tried shortening it in the original folder that it was located and after i shorten it, a box comes up that says "If you change a file name extension, the file may become unusable" and then when i press "Ok", the video will no longer play
Well in that case, it's probably not compatible with iTunes. What's the file extension? The video sounds like it needs to be converted first.
i allready converted it into mp4 format by using the PQ DVD to Ipod Video Converter and all the other movies that i've converted can be moved into itunes except for this 1.
Shorten the filename, just don't change the extention. For example, if your video is called [bold]StewieGriffinTheUntoldStoryFamilyGuy.MP4[/bold] , change it to something shorter like [bold]FamGuy.MP4[/bold] , but do not change the [bold].MP4[/bold] part -- as this is the extension which identifies what type of video it is. That should be the answer to your question Cheers.
It worked with other videos but no wen i try to import the Italian job, it does the same thing, even though i shortened the file. can u help me with this too? thank u waymon
Is the Italian Job the movie that has been giving you the problem the whole time or has there been other videos doing the same thing! Did you shorten Italian Job and did you delete the .MP4 at the end of the file name? ~Domreis
I have had the same problem on occassion. It does not seem to be related to the file name size, as I had renamed the suspect files to 8.3 format. I believe that when this happens, the file is corrupt in some way. Usually, reencoding it solves the problem.
By 8.3, I mean the old DOS file naming format. 8 characters before the dot and 3 after. You can't get a safer name in Windows than that.
I am going out of my mind and running out of memory on my pc I just got my ipod vid and I'm trying to import movies into itunes. I know i have to convert the dvd file but I dont know what is the best to use at the moment Im using a combo of DVD Decrypter with videora Im having two major problems 1) when I use videora transcode, it will continue to run long after it reaches 100% complete 2) when I press either import or add file in itunes and select the file, nothing happens so I don't know whether or not I'm selecting the wrong file or If I need a different (FREE) program just help me PLEASE!
Make sure you close you converting program when you go to import. Cause you converter is still using that file.
hi. i am having the exact same problem and im looking for help. i am trying to add the south park movie to my itunes. i used videora to convert the movie, so it is inthe proper format. ive added 2 movies to my itunes the exact same way, but this one wont work. ive tried renaming it (,, southpark.mp4, sp.mp4) but nothing has worked. im not sure what else to try.. help would be appreciated. thanks.
Ok folks I beleave this is your fix and will solve all your problems because with out doing this you will never be able to import movies.... Open itunes...make sure your movies are on edit...then click on advanced....under the general tab make sure that you have the box checked copy to itunes music folder when adding to library....then click OK.....THATS IT !!!!!! Now all your imported movies will be in your itunes muic folder under Movies. Forget all the rest about file names and what not as this is the true anwser and I'm not even a apple fanboy ...well maybe a little! Good luck and enjoy. WD.
I checked it off as well and still Nothing Exact same problem. i used the exact same program and settings when converting and the .mov converted to .mp4 works fine but the .avi converted to mp4 does not apear. im not sure if its because of the big size (the ipod has over 4 gbs and the file is only like 700mbs. and for ppl who think we just got the file extention or somthing wrong its not that i tried every little detail im 100% sure that the convertion and everything else is proper. SOME HELP WOULD BE VERY GREATLY APPRICLATED!!!! PLEASE!!! lol
I am also having problems adding videos to my classic. The manual says that you could drag the files into iTunes, then if it is the wrong format, iTunes would prompt you to do a conversion. When I try to drag in an *.avi file, I get that red circle with a line across it (which means "you cannot do this"). If you believe the manual, it sounds like you do not need to convert your movie into an iTunes compatible file type, iTunes would do it for you. But why are people here talking about having to convert movies first, then importing? Does the manual lie? I'm not even messing with DVDs right now, just avi's or mov's. I also tried putting the *.avi file in the "iTunes Music" folder in my "Music" folder. While it gets added to the folder, it does not show up when I try to look for it in iTunes. Shortening the name to "1" did not help, either. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help in advance!