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GTa san Andreas Need save files

Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by afunguy24, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. afunguy24

    afunguy24 Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Hello,I beat gta san andreas campaign several months back and have decided to play it again.But when i try to load up a saved game all my data is gone:O SO that brings me here hoping some of you big gta fans could tell me where i could get some almost full compelete campaign gave saves and half way thru game saves,so I can fill like I Picked up right where I left off.

    Plz Guide me to some places where there is a bundance of game saves from diffrent save points.

    Also if you have some of your own game saves kindly upload them for me Thank you

    Ps... I beat the campaign but did not beat the game 100% Plz I dont want game saves of 100%, only campaign 100%. Peace
  2. dannydag

    dannydag Member

    Jan 15, 2006
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