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dvd rebuilder & multy angle movie

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by bacvica, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. bacvica

    bacvica Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    how to make rebuilder to recode just one angle from multy angle movie? or i should select in dvdfab decrypter just one movie angle? i don´t think that is possible in dvdfab decrypter, and do you have any suggestion for decrypting just one angle?
    and is first angle the angle that is shown on tv for example?
  2. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    dvdd gives you the option of ripping just one angle from the source disk, it's under tools>settings>file tab then check the box labeled multi angle proscessing. and of course the angle labeled 1 will be the default in most scenario's.

    there is the occasional title that will have to be processed w/ the likes of pgcedit afterwards as it may call on different angles through out the movie, but I've yet to stumble across one, has anyone?? I wouldn't mind running my own experiments w/ some troubled titles =) (R1,of course)
  3. teflonmyk

    teflonmyk Regular member

    May 24, 2005
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    Any tips on removing/preventing the camera icon?
  4. MovieDud

    MovieDud Guest

    @teflonmyk, Hello my friend, just wanting to ask...does the camera icon pop up on the screen or just in the display box of the Dvd player? I have never had the angle icon pop up on the multi angle disks, except in the display window of the dvd player. I have ran several movies through CloneDvd 2, picking the #1 angle and I haven't had an icon pop up on the t.v. screen, just in the display box of the dvd player. If it is the icon on the t.v. the angle mode can be turned off and you shouldn't see the icon. If I'm off target sorry, just trying to help with your question.
  5. teflonmyk

    teflonmyk Regular member

    May 24, 2005
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    It's on the screen, but I can't remember what proggy I used for that backup (wasn't Rebuilder- either CloneDVD2 or Recode2)...

    Edit: It was a movie-only backup of Unbreakable.

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2006
  6. bacvica

    bacvica Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    thanks for advice.
    and another question. when two versions on same disc, how to rip just one? example. alien has director´s version and original. how to rip and encode just director´s version? i tried to decode it with dvdfab, and with vobblanker bo remove junk, but it didn´t give me whole movie, but just about half of it.
    does anybody knows how to decode in this situation?
    any help and suggestion is very welcome.
  7. MovieDud

    MovieDud Guest

    @bacvica, friend when I did that movie I used Recode 2 and then found the one that was the directors cut (longest) and did the Remake Dvd and then processed...I actually made two, one with Recode 2 and then another that was processed (dir. cut, no extras and even cut the credits) through Recode 2 (no compression) and then used Rebuilder Pro/CCE Basic and had a sharper image when compared to the Directors cut. I checked with CloneDvd 2 and simply use the whole disk and then unclick everything except the dir. cut. Hope this helps.
  8. bacvica

    bacvica Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    thank you.
    sure will try everything to make it works.

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