does clonedvd use a bad encoder? and considering i dont really understand that comparison chart haha. in your opinion whats the best one?
An encoder produces a better finished product. Personally, I transcode with CloneDVD2 for compression ratios around 90%, and then Recode2 (w/ advance analysis) until the compression percentage is less than 75 - 80%. I use DVD Rebuilder with CCE for anything more... EDIT: I've used HC, and it produces excellent results as well...
here's some more about the differences between encoders and transcoders credit to cynthia
if you will notice there are several of the same frames taken compressed w/ different tools, to fully view them you will need to click on each one to see a full screen shot. it was done this way to keep people from having to dl all pics if they only want to see.. say shrink compared to recode, or hc compared to cce etc...
they all look kinda the same to me hmmm. Can you point out one that looks different than the other? also i dont know what the abbreviations were. thats why i was confused. how do i distinguish which is which if i dont know the abbreviations?
well you could view the same frame from say dvd2one and procoder2 to see a good amount of difference (probably best you open them @ the same time and switch back and forth through windows) look for blocks, bleeding colours, and pay close attention to area's that show light and dark colours next to each other this should show what are tell tale signs of superiority!