Hi everyone, Sorry If I'm a bit off-topic, but I think this is somenthing you should give a read. I'm a Macintosh programmer and would like to create a cdgen for my platform. Anytime I need to use cdgen I have to borrow my friend pc and that's somenthing I've been really getting fed up with. I'd like to meet with cdgenps2 creator and get given some infos how to go about developing a cdgen. I've seen the app is only 132K so I guess it may not that difficult to hack something for the MAc... By doing this I'd allow many mac fellows to see avi files on their ps2! hopefully we'll get to do this as soon as possible!!!!! I don't kwow who's the cdgenps2 creator, thus I badly need your help to find him... Please contact at: theartofweb@hotmail.com regards, Larry