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a challenge for the more experienced members

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by saint24, Mar 30, 2006.

  1. saint24

    saint24 Member

    May 30, 2005
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    I have a modded 1.6 box with xecutor 2.6CE and evox m8plus bios and i also have a goosed 1.3 box that has a erased but locked seagate drive (retail) and what i want to do is this

    i want to get the 1.3 box working again but without buying another chip is there a way i can use an old (lockable)maxtor drive in the 1.3 box and have it working without a chip in the 1.3 box.

    could i use my chipped 1.6 box to softmod the drive so that it would work using xbhdm and softmod files and maybe a slayers disk to lock it when its in.

    i am gradually getting to grips with the xbox system and learnt a hell of a lot the last few months but this should be able to be done but i just havent figured it out yet

    it all boils down to me bein a skinflint and not wanting to get another chip and i do have a solderless adapter that fits the 1.3

    pleeeease give me some ideas as i am loosing me marbles

  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    the easy way is install the chip to xbox 1.3. then reinstall the ms dash on the hdd. Then lock the hdd. Turn off the chip, xbox will boot up the ms dash. Then you can remove the modchip.
  3. Logik666

    Logik666 Regular member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    No, I'm afraid not.

    I think your only solution is a mod chip.

    You need a hacked dash installed to boot non ms stuff. (installers)

    HDD needs to be unlocked befor you can use xbhdm.

    (hey guys, is there a program where you can manually change the lock code for a hdd? I'm not sure if something like that exists or if i just made it up.)

  4. saint24

    saint24 Member

    May 30, 2005
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    thanks guys

    2 questions

    are all the files needed for an original m$ dash extractable from an xbox disc that has live update or am i going to have to back onto xbins?

    also do you think it would b possible to make a harddrive already softmodded using xbox hdm and the files from autoinstaller deluxe or sid3?
    i am guessing i could and after put in the slayers disk to lock the drive therefore not using a modchip.

    just floating a few ideas before i spend time actually doing it. like i said, before i am not a complete noob but just getting my head round some of this stuff. Once i have i will compile a disk like aid for people to do it themselves so everyones help will be appreciated.

  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I think you can get ms dash off AID or SID.

    With modchip AID and SID work perfect.
  6. Logik666

    Logik666 Regular member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    Just get it from xbins.

    That might work. If you made your HDD with xbhdm you wont need those files, as everything you need will be installed by xbhdm. I'm gonna have to get back to you on whether or not this'll work.

    (im not sure if the current HDD needs to be unlocked before a new one is installed or not)
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2006
  7. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    well, I just visited xbins last night. I can't find the ms dash up there.
  8. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I forgot that I have links to download it on my page. Just click on my name or follow the link in my sig. Then look for "download xbox file"

    you will find ms dash.
  9. saint24

    saint24 Member

    May 30, 2005
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    cheers guys (gals? i dont know do i lol)

    i am a little busy tonite but will be trying to do this tomorrow night so will post back here to let u know how it went

  10. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  11. saint24

    saint24 Member

    May 30, 2005
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    Well i tried it but ran into a slight problem the hd is only f*ckin 6 gig not 20

    oh well looks like i have to get another drive - bugger!

    softmod installer worked though. used uxe with nk patcher and a shadow c: drive had to create a t and udata folders for E: drive

    sort of works on modded box but crashes out just as dash loads because of size of disk
    on non modded gives error 9 (because of hd size)

    giving it a rest for tonite if i can get another drive tomorrow will try tomorrow if not monday.

    keep u posted

  12. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    you need at least 8gb hdd
  13. saint24

    saint24 Member

    May 30, 2005
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    i know that now lol

    i thought it was 20gig it didnt actually say on the drive what it was i knew i had one of each but must of used the 20gig drive in another pc

    going to go out and see if i can get a new drive today

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