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multi session recording in nero

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by pscraja, Apr 27, 2003.

  1. pscraja

    pscraja Guest

    I opened a multisession Data CD recording to write a file of 14 mb on to a disc containing 112mb of data. During the burn process, I got the following error messages.
    Calibration area full
    Invalid write state
    could not perform end track
    Session fixation error
    Could not perform fixation
    and the burn process failed at 12x.

    The log file reads:


    Windows 98 4.10
    WinAspi: File 'Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=1, 0, 0, 0, size=36864 bytes, created 23-Apr-99 10:22:00
    Nero Version:
    Recorder: <SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-240B> Version: R403 - HA 1 TA 0 -
    Adapter driver: <ESDI_506> HA 1
    Drive buffer : 8192kB
    Bus Type : via Inquiry data (1) -> ATAPI, detected: ATAPI
    Connected to MMC as unknown drive with class-nr : 1
    CD-ROM: <ELBY DVD-ROM> Version: 1.0 - HA 0 TA 0 -
    Adapter driver: <elbyvcd> HA 0
    Bus Type : default (0) -> SCSI, detected: ?
    SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-240B (Target 0, Q:): Autoinsert Off, DMA Off, Disconnect On, SyncDataXfer Off
    ATAPI-CD ROM-DRIVE-52MAX (Target 1, R:): Autoinsert Off, DMA Off, Disconnect On, SyncDataXfer Off
    ELBY DVD-ROM (Target 0, P:): Autoinsert On, DMA ?, Disconnect ?, SyncDataXfer ?
    Excluded drive IDs:
    CmdQueuing : 1
    CmdNotification: 2
    WriteBufferSize: 24117248 (0) Byte
    ShowDrvBufStat : 0
    EraseSpeed : 0
    BUFE : 0
    Physical memory : 126MB (129500kB)
    Free physical memory: 21MB (22448kB)
    Memory in use : 71 %
    Uncached PFiles: 0x0
    Use Static Write Speed Table: 0
    Use Inquiry : 1
    Global Bus Type: default (0)
    Check supported media : Enabled (1)
    Wizard: On

    CD-ROM (ISO)
    AM 08:41:59 #1 Text 0 File Isodoc.cpp, Line 7579
    Iso document burn settings
    Determine maximum speed : FALSE
    Simulate : FALSE
    Write : TRUE
    Finalize CD : FALSE
    Multisession : TRUE
    Multisession type: : Continue multisession
    Burning mode : TAO
    Mode : 1
    ISO Level : 1 (Max. of 11 = 8 + 3 char)
    Character set : ISO 9660
    Joliet : TRUE
    Allow pathdepth more than 8 directories : FALSE
    Allow more than 255 characters in path : FALSE
    Write ISO9660 ;1 file extensions : TRUE

    AM 08:41:59 #2 Phase 75 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1655
    JustLink activated

    AM 08:41:59 #3 Text 0 File Reader.cpp, Line 115
    Reader running

    AM 08:41:59 #4 Text 0 File Writer.cpp, Line 125
    Writer SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-240B running

    AM 08:41:59 #5 ISO9660GEN -11 File geniso.cpp, Line 4563
    First writeable address = 0 (0x00000000)

    AM 08:41:59 #6 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3726
    Turn on Track-At-Once, using CD-R/RW media

    AM 08:41:59 #7 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 672
    Setup items (original item values)
    0: TRM_DATA_MODE1 (CTransferItem)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original CD pos #0 + 7181 (7181) = #7181/1:35.56
    relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/required, no patch infos

    AM 08:42:00 #8 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 215
    Last possible write address on media: 359845 (79:59.70)
    Last address to be written: 97455 (21:41.30)

    AM 08:42:00 #9 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 220
    Write in overburning mode: FALSE

    AM 08:42:00 #10 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 1657
    Recorder: SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-240B;
    CDR code: 00 97 26 66; OSJ entry from: CMC Magnetics Corporation
    ATIP Data:
    Special Info [hex] 1: D0 00 90, 2: 61 1A 42 (LI 97:26.66), 3: 4F 3B 47 (LO 79:59.71)
    Additional Info [hex] 1: 00 00 80 (invalid), 2: 00 00 00 (invalid), 3: 00 00 00 (invalid)

    AM 08:42:00 #11 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 824
    Prepare recorder SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-240B for write in TAO
    DAO infos:
    TOCTYPE: 0x0 Session Closed, CD not fixated
    Tracks 5 to 5:
    TRM_DATA_MODE1, 2048/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 0 307200 15013888

    AM 08:42:00 #12 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 852
    Removed 2 run-out blocks from end of track 5.

    AM 08:42:00 #13 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 672
    Setup items (after recorder preparation)
    0: TRM_DATA_MODE1 (CTransferItem)
    2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
    original CD pos #0 + 7181 (7181) = #7181/1:35.56
    relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/required, no patch infos
    -> TRM_DATA_MODE1, 2048, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 7179 blocks [SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-240B ]

    AM 08:42:00 #14 Phase 24 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1655
    Caching of files started

    AM 08:42:03 #15 Phase 25 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1655
    Caching of files completed

    AM 08:42:03 #16 Phase 36 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1655
    Burn process started at 12x (1,800 KB/s)

    AM 08:42:03 #17 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
    Verifying CD position of item 0 (relocatable, CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #90275

    AM 08:42:03 #18 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 17693
    Set BUFE: JustLink -> ON , JustSpeed : ON

    AM 08:42:08 #19 SCSI -1015 File Cdrdrv.cpp, Line 1412
    SCSI Exec, HA 1, TA 0, LUN 0, buffer 0x038A0000
    Status: 0x04 (0x01, SCSI_ERR)
    HA-Status 0x00 (0x00, OK)
    TA-Status 0x02 (0x01, SCSI_TASTATUS_CHKCOND)
    Sense Key: 0x03 (KEY_MEDIUM_ERROR)
    Sense Code: 0x73
    Sense Qual: 0x02
    CDB Data: 0x2A 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x60 0xA3 0x00 0x00 0x1F 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Sense Data: 0x70 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0C
    0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x73 0x02

    AM 08:42:08 #20 MMC -1015 File Writer.cpp, Line 333
    Calibration area full

    AM 08:42:08 #21 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 219
    all writers idle, stopping conversion

    AM 08:42:08 #22 CDR -201 File WriterStatus.cpp, Line 194
    Invalid write state

    AM 08:42:08 #23 TRANSFER -18 File WriterStatus.cpp, Line 194
    Could not perform EndTrack

    AM 08:42:08 #24 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 12699
    <SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-240B > start Close Session

    AM 08:42:08 #25 SCSI -1176 File Cdrdrv.cpp, Line 1208
    SCSI Exec, HA 1, TA 0, LUN 0
    Status: 0x04 (0x01, SCSI_ERR)
    HA-Status 0x00 (0x00, OK)
    TA-Status 0x02 (0x01, SCSI_TASTATUS_CHKCOND)
    Sense Key: 0x05 (KEY_ILLEGAL_REQUEST)
    Sense Code: 0x72
    Sense Qual: 0x04
    CDB Data: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Sense Data: 0x71 0x00 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0C
    0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x72 0x04

    AM 08:42:08 #26 MMC -1176 File WriterStatus.cpp, Line 233
    Session fixation error

    AM 08:42:08 #27 TRANSFER -19 File WriterStatus.cpp, Line 233
    Could not perform Fixation

    AM 08:42:08 #28 Text 0 File WriterStatus.cpp, Line 242
    falling back to disc fixation

    AM 08:42:08 #29 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 12699
    <SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-240B > start Close Session

    AM 08:42:08 #30 SCSI -1176 File Cdrdrv.cpp, Line 1208
    SCSI Exec, HA 1, TA 0, LUN 0
    Status: 0x04 (0x01, SCSI_ERR)
    HA-Status 0x00 (0x00, OK)
    TA-Status 0x02 (0x01, SCSI_TASTATUS_CHKCOND)
    Sense Key: 0x05 (KEY_ILLEGAL_REQUEST)
    Sense Code: 0x72
    Sense Qual: 0x04
    CDB Data: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
    Sense Data: 0x71 0x00 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0C
    0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x72 0x04

    AM 08:42:08 #31 MMC -1176 File WriterStatus.cpp, Line 233
    Session fixation error

    AM 08:42:08 #32 TRANSFER -19 File WriterStatus.cpp, Line 233
    Could not perform Fixation

    AM 08:42:08 #33 Phase 38 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1655
    Burn process failed at 12x (1,800 KB/s)

    AM 08:42:08 #34 Text 0 File Scsicmd.cpp, Line 406
    SCSI not using temporary buffers
    20 out of 20 temporary buffers allocated

    Existing drivers:
    File 'IoSubSys\SCSI1HLP.VXD': Ver=4.10.1998, size=19270 bytes, created 23-Apr-99 10:22:00
    File 'IoSubsys\NEROCD95.VXD': Ver=, size=39882 bytes, created 11-Mar-02 12:55:38
    File 'IoSubsys\DRVWPPQT.VXD': Ver=3.10.36a, size=228223 bytes, created 23-Apr-99 10:22:00
    File 'IoSubsys\CDFS.VXD': Ver=4.10.1998, size=59133 bytes, created 23-Apr-99 10:22:00
    File 'IoSubsys\ESDI_506.PDR': Ver=4.10.2222, size=24406 bytes, created 23-Apr-99 10:22:00
    File '..\System32\Drivers\1394bus.sys': Ver=4.10.2224, size=38016 bytes, created 11-Oct-99 04:57:18
    File '..\System32\Drivers\Ohci1394.sys': Ver=4.10.2224, size=36256 bytes, created 05-Nov-99 05:37:56
    File '..\System32\Drivers\Ntmap.sys': Ver=4.10.2226, size=8704 bytes, created 27-Mar-00 01:40:58
    File 'IoSubsys\Ntmaphlp.pdr': Ver=4.10.2223, size=9849 bytes, created 12-Oct-99 02:56:42
    File '..\System32\Drivers\Sbp2port.sys': Ver=4.10.2225, size=35696 bytes, created 27-Mar-00 01:57:12
    File '..\System\Vmm32\Ios.vxd': Ver=4.10.2223, size=69594 bytes, created 12-Oct-99 03:02:40
    File 'IoSubsys\Disktsd.vxd': Ver=4.10.2223, size=18889 bytes, created 17-Nov-99 05:36:48
    File 'IoSubsys\ElbyCDIO.vxd': Ver=4, 2, 0, 0, size=33031 bytes, created 22-Nov-02 07:37:40
    File 'IoSubsys\ElbyVCD.mpd': Ver=4, 2, 0, 0, size=23040 bytes, created 28-Nov-02 AM 02:07:08 (Adapter driver for src)

    Registry Keys: "

    Kindly let me know what should I do? All the multi session Data CD recording end up with the same fate.

    Can you please help me to get over this problem. Thank you.

  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    According to Nero help:
    More then that, there are hundreds of reasons, many of them related to physical CD-RW media and/or low maintenance of the CD-RW unit.

    Look if you belong to [bold]this[/bold] group:
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2003

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