has signed a deal with 6 of the 7 major movie companies to offer legal movie downloads. They are available the day the movie is released on dvd. BUT get costs $26.99 for The Weather Man and $19.99 for King Kong "ON SALE"!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA....this has to be some kind of joke. They can't be for real with this crap. According to the rules you can burn the files onto dvd for storage but not playback on a dvd player....hmmm so for $26.99 I can buy a 1gb file of The Weather Man that plays on my 17"inch monitor or I can buy the physical dvd for probably about $14.99 now and watch it wherever I want. AND THE SAD THING IS PEOPLE WILL BUY THIS CRAP AND KEEP THEM IN BUSINESS. Here's the link I got it from --
I got excited when I read the thread title, because I assumed it was free, but for that much money that is crap. Plus, you can get multiple movies on Limewire for free!
One other problem with this, is the quality is not DVD quality, but I am sure that this will take off. @jazo133: Ever get any viruses from Limewire? I hope so.
LOL, no, not yet, but I know that Kazaa and Napster put viruses on my computer before, but I trust Limewire fully.
who wants to pay the 24 bucks for a wmv version of a movie, if you want it on your computer just buy a dvd and rip it to a ratDVD file
Exactly! As Jasper44 said, why would you pay more than a DVD for a less quality movie that you could do less with? It's just a dumb idea, but maybe prices will come down or a freeware movie site will come about, if there already isn't one, which comes to this query: Is there a site that I can download full movies that will convert onto my iPod that you know of? Thanks -jazo123