i was wondering how u add ur sig to ur posts, i have one for my e-mail will that work for this or do i have to make one on afterdawn??? (i know its got nothing to do with xbox but i didnt know where to put it)
You are suppose to type [url]http://i.my.afterdawn.com/original/3550.jpg[/url] [/ img] but notice the space between the [/ and img]....close it up and it will show on the Sig. And close up the other spaces as well. And for topics you have no idea were to place...under General Discussion there is another Forum listed as All Other Topics.
@j_torres - think you bumped the wrong thread.. @grizzam - while that lady is extremely nice, that sig is much too big, you're gonna have to shrink it (it shows up when i reply, it must be a bug in the forum software i guess)
how do u add a pic to ur sig i tried copy and paste but it wouldn't let me paste a picture, what do i do???