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Rebuilder Help please

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by pazzini, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    Can someone please help me with dvd-rebuilder using the HC Encoder.

    I need help with everything how do I set it up?

    HC Encoder says input not complete, input, output, bitrate and max bitrate file all incomplete, how do I set it up? I am completely usless with rebuilder. I have heard alot of good things regarding rebuilder and would like to try it out for myself.

    Also how do I set up rebuilder itself to work with HC Encoder?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated
  2. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

  3. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    Thank you L8ter
  4. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    no problems I wish I could give you more detailed response but, I don't know the exact problem I'm guessing you are using hc as a stand-alone but that's just a guess.

    if you run into particular problem's let us know (details please)

  5. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    My only problem now is that when Reuilder has finished it created video_ts files what programme do I use to put straight onto dvd?

    I tried imgburn and decrypter but no joy. (not supported)

    I had to use clonedvd2 to put onto a disc.
  6. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    The video_ts outputted by Rebuilder can be burned afterwards by any good software. I usually use Nero myself, and have never had a problem.
  7. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    As you use Nero when it says 100% quality does that mean it will not use it's transcoder???
  8. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    Sorry to double post

    But how do I change the settings in HC Encoder?
  9. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    which settings are you interested in changing?
  10. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    I just want to get the best possible picture.

    I have it set to BEST under HC Encoder options.

    Are there any other options to improve picture/bitrate?

    Also what is the best application to burn with?

    Thank you for all your help


  11. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    Sorry to double post but I forgot to mention that I do movie only using shrink with no compression to put on my HDD, then use Re-Builder to compress and Nero to put on a disc. Using Shrink to put on my HDD wont result in me loosing quality will it???
  12. teflonmyk

    teflonmyk Regular member

    May 24, 2005
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    That's debatable. I suggest using DVDDecrypter to rip entire source to HD. You can then choose "Movie Only" mode (or movie and menus, movie and extras, trim credits, etc) from within Rebuilder...

    Also, you can set Rebuilder to output to ISO and have either Decrypter or Imgburn burn the finished product automatically upon completion...

    EDIT: All of these options can be selected under the "Mode" menu except trimming credits...
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2006
  13. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    I am using the free edition so it does not give me the option of movie only. That is why I am using shrink to put main movie to my HDD.

    Thank you all your replys

  14. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    Personally I don't do "movie only". Don't care about the extras, and I don't need fancy motion menus, but I do like having navigation and whatnot remain intact.
    What I do it to rip to HD with Decrypter, shrink menus to stills with MenuShrink, blank extras and other junk with vobblanker, and then go to rebuilder for the final encode to DVD.
    The reason for this is that you lose all the filler, but keep menu navigation, etc. Completely removing the menus may save 15-20MB, (or in the case of LOTR 50MB) on your disc compared to just Shrinking them with MenuShrink, but 20MB is about a minute of footage. 50MB might be 2-3 minutes of footage extra. IMO, using rebuilder that few minutes of extra space isn't going to matter. It's so good that if you notice a difference you must have bionic peepers.
  15. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    I have changed the setting in the HC.ini file, like *maxbitrate 9000 *bitrate 4000 *profile best but it does not work when I encode a movie. WTF am I doing wrong because I am getting very ******

    please help

    L8ter what settings do you use and how did you do it?

    There must be a step by step guide out there on how to change setting in hc encoder. I have been on the web all day looking for information, my head is about to EXPLODE
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2006
  16. L8ter

    L8ter Guest

    its' been quite some time since I've extensively used the freeware version so almost any feature I wish to use is inherently incorporated in rebuilder gui.

    I would suggest you scale down those unreasonably high bitrates where are you getting them getcq?? higher does not mean better!

    if your going to be using ini file addition's make sure your using rebuilder's ini file instead of hc's.

    what problem's exactly are you having w/ your back-ups because every movie will require slightly different setting's I suggest the defaults alway's as they have been thouroughly tested you can play w/ some filters if you wish to tweak some parameters.

    the freeware is really meant to be a means of trial for rebuilder, and does not provide that many option's by comparison imo I'm not trying to be a sales man or nuthin but it's true.
  17. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    I have given up on rebuilder, I just want to say thank you to all that helped me.

    Happy burning


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