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Spiderchip - XBOX 1.5 - BIOS Flashing Etc Etc Etc

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by buxton, Apr 15, 2006.

  1. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    "Should I even bother to flash the BIOS"

    My box is already modded with a Spiderchip. Now I am having issues working out which model it is. All the pics I can find of them show a small, white, plastic header at the bottom left corner. Mine doesn't have this header!?

    The box boots with the green animated screen and at the bottom it says Xecuter2. I went on the assumption I had an Xecuter2 modchip. I assume Xecuter BIOS's aren't specifically for Xecuter mod chips.

    On the C drive there is a folder full of BIOS's (these show up in the Evox menu under BIOS flash) but I have no idea which of these is flashed to the spider.

    I am not asking where I get the BIOS from - but if someone could advise on the BIOS to look for....twud be helpfull.

    I downloaded AID - there are a whole bunch of 256k .Bin files with that - are any of those useful? (Sorry to ramble).

    Last bit, if I do download a more up to date BIOS - and I put it in the C:\Bios folder can it be flashed from the Exox Flash BIOS menu - or is that too simple to be true?

    I have loads more questions, but I will try one bit at a time.

  2. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    With a bit of poking around.

    I actually have a v1.4 Box.
    It is flashed with Xecuter2 4979.67

    From the AID BIOS 256k folder there is BIOS x2.4983.67.bin - is that same thing (only newer)? I believe the .67/.06 bit is to do with how the HDD partitions - so I would think the same extension has to be used?

    Is there a newer on that that (if it is the right one)?

    It also seems like I can flash it with the M8 BIOS? There are two version - an M8 and an M8Plus - and then four versions of each of those - totally confusing and giving me a bad head.

  3. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Well dont mess around with bios. Unless you know how to reflash it when xbox will not boot any dashboard.
  4. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    It's like this - I am bored - and fancy spending some cash. Not that I begrudge paying someone to do it for me originally - but if I had known how straightforward it was installing the modchip I would have rather done it myself, if only for the sake of knowing how it is done. Learn by doing and all that.

    Now I am not sure if there is any advantage in this - but I was contemplating removing the Spiderchip and getting an Xecuter3 and a Xapt3r. Seems like they are a lot simpler and easier to mess with as far as flashing and setting up goes.

    Is the Spider soldered into the Motherboard or is it resting on the holes? I really don't fancy having to de-solder the thing.

    I have flashed 100's of Motherboards in my job so I am reasonably confident of working it out once I know I have the right stuff to do it with.

    This is where I am stuck - spider no longer seem to have a website - and I can't seem to work out what the latest BIOS is for this chip. I am thinking it is x2 or the m8 - the 256k versions?

    Is there any advantage to be gained in updating the 4979.67 BIOS - I mean if there is no point....then I wont. But I am an inquisitive bugger so odds on I will have a go at some point.

    To repeat a question from before - when I put a BIOS in the C:BIOS folder it shows up in the flash BIOS section of EvoX - is flashing it as simple as selecting it in the EvoX menu and executing it? Or like a PC is it best to do it from a CD?

    Lets just say for arguments sake I decide to flash it - which BIOS (newest) do I use? A what is the safest method?

    Cheers for replying anyway.

  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    The new bios you can get for your chip is:
    Evox M8Plus
    X2 4983

    You can put in the C:\bios\
    and flash it with evox dash.

    They all work the same. You will not see any thing news.

    If you have X3, then there will be different.
  6. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    Someone asked me to mod their box - they where impressed with XBMC - I needed to know how to flash the BIOS as I was going to order a SpiderChip for them and just copy the way it is installed in mine. But I can't find them anywhere - and their site is down - so I am thinking they no longer do them. So I am going to put the Spider in their box and redo mine with an Xecuter3/Xapter. Already ordered it.

    Am I right in assuming (much like a PC motherboard) that the O/S is seperate from the BIOS? And so if I remove the spider from my box and replace with the X3 the Evox Dash/Games and XBMC will still load?

    Or is a Hard Disk rebuild and software re-install required?

    One last question then you can get on with your life - the X3 has a whole bunch of banks - does this mean that on the off chance I mess the initial flash (worst case senario and all that) you have the option of switching to a different bank? A bit like back up BIOS on Gigabyte motherboards. And doing it again.

    BTW - the links on your page are seriously usefull - learned everything I need to know (except the clarification above) - nice one.

    Fair play for working all this out at 15 (I saw your DOB) - you where like 10 when Xbox came out - I don't even remeber being 15.

    Cheers boss.
  7. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    look at divineo.com
  8. buxton

    buxton Regular member

    Mar 3, 2003
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    Thanks for that - I had already seen that place - I didn't want to get it from the US - just on the off chance I get a faulty one.

    I was so certain that what I was doing was correct that I just went ahead and flashed the BIOS (on the Spider) from the Evox menu - and it worked without a hitch. I realise it makes no real difference, but now I have done it and know how to and that it works it makes life a lot easier.

    Already ordered the X3/Xapter - this Spider is going in my neighbours box. I think I pretty much have this all worked out. Mainly it is a case of all the forums I have been on are full of people that basically didn't read up fully on how it is done, messed it up and made it look difficult. As long as you have the correct bits and do it the correct way it is really simple.

    Lets hope I am not back here asking for help on my failed X3 flash!

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