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Low system requirements for linux

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by kiyoshi, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. kiyoshi

    kiyoshi Member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    I need linux for Pentium I 133 Mhz. What one has low system requirements?
  2. iPirate

    iPirate Regular member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    Damn Small Linux good it, it is only 50MB is size. Great for old PC's
  3. tocool4u2

    tocool4u2 Guest

  4. iPirate

    iPirate Regular member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    DSL is the smallest linux around
  5. tocool4u2

    tocool4u2 Guest

    It depends on his HDD......DSL is only 50 MB...but if his HDD is a couple gigs or even one gig he could use maybe Ubuntu light..Whitch would be better than DSL.....

    I would look around for other flavors.....I think as DSL as a last resort since it is really really limited.........But if his HDD is really smaall than he would use DSL
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2006
  6. neronut

    neronut Regular member

    Aug 18, 2005
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    Hey, I have a PII 300MHz and am thinking of serving it up for my network, it only has 3GB in it but that is enough for my purposes, what would be a good distro to use as a fileserver (I'm guessing I would need Samba for the SMB support with Windows.) Is there a quick and dirty version out there that has all I need in it right from the get go (like would DSL work for this task) or do I need to get other programs and try to install Samba from source (I have never been able to get building source to work properly, it ususaly fails and I give it what it wants then it give me another and I end up going in circles). But I digress, is there a good distro out there thats not to bulky that can be recommended?
  7. lottt11

    lottt11 Guest

    suse 9 will work but you will need at least 256ram and 3gb.
  8. lottt11

    lottt11 Guest

    SUSE 9 has it all but like said it will take 3gb. not for the OS the will 1.98bg. .754mg swap you let 720mg not enough for a database.
    plus there are up datas you to upload. but it is reliable and does come with sambe and database management in the OS, just do advance instalation not simple instalation, do not updata till you finish the instalation, do install firewall and the anty virus also it has all the drives inside for 98% hardware in the maket from the get go, if the hardware is recognized just intruduce you IP and gateway and before you finish you that you are all ready properly conneted to the internet and your network, also inable all other divises before installing that all divises will be install at same time, enjoy

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