Hi Please some boday explain this and thanks in advance. Everytime my computer starts I get a white plunk page opens up and the name of it C:/Program files/Common I tried msconfig I cleared most of whats there in start up and left only my antivirus and anti spywares with ZA firewall. and I still get the same thing file in my start up?????
HOLA como estas Im still waiting for help on this please!!!!!! Dose any body know how to stop this common page with the title- C:\Program files\Common from opening everytime I start my PC?
Hi Krazymale, Load Programmappsfixaren 1.21 and save it to desktop http://www.pekspro.com/cgi-bin/countdown.pl?files/pmfix.zip Close all programs. Double klick that icon on your desktop. Boot your computer. I'll hope this helps