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Key2audio tested on 27 drives

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by Pio2001, May 24, 2002.

  1. Pio2001

    Pio2001 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 20, 2002
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    Key2audio has been tested in 27 drives with Céline Dion's CD (http://www.zdnet.fr/prod/cgi-bin/a_prod.pl?ID=20704)
    18 refused to read the CD, while 9 succeeded.
    For most of these, the CD appears like any unprotected CD, but with some others, it is not directly accessible from Windows, but needs a burning program like Nero or CDRWin in order to be read.

    About those that can't read the CD, the sympoms are various, from not seeing the CD to freezing the machine through freezing the computer, like with CD-Rom Matsushita CD-ROM CR-594, DVD-Rom Hitachi DVD-ROM CG-7500 or DVD burner Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-104.
    The burner CD-RW from Iomega ejects the CD after 2 seconds.

    N : can't read
    Y : can read

    CD ROM drives :

    Aopen 48X CD-Rom Y
    CD-ROM TW 120D N
    Kenwood CD-Rom UCR-421 N
    Lite-on LTN 486 48x Y
    Matshita CD-Rom CR-585 N
    Matshita CD-Rom CR-594 N
    Pioneer CD-Rom DR-A12X N
    Sony CD-Rom CDU711 Y
    Sony CD-Rom CDU701 N
    Teac CD-224E N
    Torisan CD-Rom CDR-U241 N

    DVD-ROM drives :

    AOpen DVD-1040 Pro N
    Hitachi DVD-Rom CG-7500 N
    Pionner DVD 105 N
    Sony DVD-Rom DDV 1621 Y
    Toshiba DVD-Rom SD-M1202 Y

    Burners :

    Iomega CDRW6402EXT-B USB N
    Memorex "sixteen MAXX 1040" Y
    Memup 40x USB2 Y
    Plextor PX-W4012A Y
    Sony CD-RW CRX 140E N
    Teac CD-W540E Y
    Traxdata CDRW 241040 Plus N
    Yamaha CRW 4416E N
    Yamaha CRW2100E N
    Yamaha CRW 2200E N
    Yamaha CRW 8824E N
    Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-104 N

    We can add the burner
    Yamaha CRW3200e Y
    according to http://www.cdrinfo.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=5065
  2. Pio2001

    Pio2001 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 20, 2002
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    Nickname "plex the ripper" points out in EAC's forum (http://www.digital-inn.de/showthread.php?threadid=11599) that Sony drives (DDU1621 above) defeat Sony protection (Key2Audio)...


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