Hi I am transfering old VHS tapes onto DVD using a VCR connected to a Panasonic DMR EH50 DVD Recorder, the Macrovision protected VHS tapes will not transfer, i have tried connecting one of these - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Macrovision-D...goryZ294QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem but it still does not work, any ideas please ...
here is all I use, nothing special just hook my dvd recorder to my computer and burn with nero vison express 3. http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=333087&pfp=SEARCH http://www.radioshack.com/product/i...9&kwCatId=2032058&kw=mini+y&parentPage=search http://www.radioshack.com/product/i...=&origkw=s+video&kw=s+video&parentPage=search http://www.netdropshipper.com/product_expd/1/3662/ works for me.Backed up so far (VHS to DVD): brazil, heavy metal, south park, dark moon rising, and many other vhs to dvd without a hitch.I just use the dvd recorder for home videos now.Mainly use the program with my card and burn with menu with nero vison.
Hi there is a post with this topic covered which is a legal way round all the copy protection on dvd and vhs http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/330083http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/330083
It disables the DVD recorder's ability to recognize copy protection ... I downloaded it off of the internet, burned it onto a CD then put the CD in my recorder and the Macrovision was disabled ... very few recorders have the ability to be hacked this way which is one of the features that attracted me to the LiteOn LVW-5005 the following link may explain and demonstrate a little clearer for you .. http://www.digitalfaq.com/dvdguides/buyerguides/dvdrecorders/liteontips.htm
We offer a box for removing Macrovision and CGMS signals that most DVD recorders otherwise detect and prevent recording of copyright material - called the MACRO-PLUS. We retail it on Ebay, Amazon and our own website (which is the cheapest place to buy it.) http://www.nightlight.co.uk. Please be aware that you may not have the right to copy pre-recorded material unless you have permission from the owner or are allowed under the fair use rights granted by local legislation. We can take your order by phone too - 0871 98 99 819.
to jesterhud-another option is to get a clarifier clasic from facetvider.com. this is a small unit that you rout the vcr cable to before you connect to the capture card or computer and it works with any conversion program or dvd writer.you can use rca or composite cables.