i have xecuter 2.6 ce and xaptr solderless, i have it in my box okay, but how do i flash it? i have downloaded bios, but how do i make them into a iso? or do i? do i need xbm2 as well? thanks
Hi if you have the right bios you need to burn it to a disk..with a dummy file of about 5ooMB, so the drive can read it.. Make sure you have the right bios for your xbox..only use a 1.6 bios with a 1.6... For a v1.0 to 1.5 use bank1 for a 1.6 use bank2
i do have the right bios, i decided to download the one you gave me, i dont have v1.6 so bank 1, my only worry right now is correctly burning this to a disc, what media do you recommend? thanks, and you do rock! lol
is that by going to the ip address that it gives you when you click on networking or something like that?
oh ya, is that also team xecuters site because there site has been down unless i am going to the wrong place all of the time! lol
You can supposedly flash the chip across your personal network.. The bios is illegal so there is nowhere hosting it on the net..If you can set up your pc to connect to the xbox all well and good, there is an option on the flashbios screen.. trouble is it takes a fair bit of practice to connect an xbox to a pc.. I'll explain how to burn a bios disk.. First unpack your bios.. It's called Bios.bin.. remane it bios Make a dummy file...any old file will do about 400-500MB and rename it dummy open nero burning rom...drag and drop these two files into the compilation window.. Nero will rename them...bios.bin and dummy.bin next screen will be settings.. turn multisession off..and uncheck the joliet box.. Burn.. run xbox to flashbios screen and select flash from disk.. drive will open and you will be asked to insert bios disk.. Put the disk in you have just burned and close the drive The drive will hunt for a few moments (will say waiting for drive)and with a bit of luck will find a valid update.. Let everything finish..the xbox will switch off.. When it's all finished turn on and remove the bios disk..put your autoinstaller disk in the drive and reboot... Hey presto!! Follow the menu's to install all your new software If you just install evox to C:\ you can connect the pc to the xbox and backup your E:\ tdata and Udata folders..they contain all your saves and music playlists..
No you need to use the hardcore burning rom part .. I know that's bad news but it's the only way to get a working one ..Express adds the joliet tags and kills it.. I'll just have an experiment with express on a cd-rw.. I'll get back to you.. edit.. I just burned one with nero express on a cd-r and no problem..nero renames the files .bin so no tails needed and burn as a data disk at 12X..no multisession..don't bother with verify.. Flashed bank 1-2 on my x3 no problem..working..tested.. Jobs good..
Sorted..have fun, when the bios is in reboot and put your slayers or whatever autoinstaller in or it will frag..That's normal..
The bios runs the chip, and allows you to run burned disks and unsigned code..you need all the rest of the goodies too.. Slayers or xboxhackers installers..they give you dashboards, region free dvd players..copying programs and lots more..even an app that will rip audio cd's straight to mp3's Try some torrent sites for xbox autoinstallers..usually about 600MB frags=falshing red+green..normally a fault condition.. Lots of n00bs here come on with "I flashed my bios and now its flashing and won't boot...heeeeelp!!"..run an autoinstaller, or until you find one just turn the chip off.. It's because the bios looks for a dashboard..but not the original one.. Learn Lots....Ask Jan Not bad for a girl eh?
i just dont get it, no matter what i try, it wont flash, it reads the cd then says no flash found or something like that and halting! what can it be? use pictures, i dont know! lol this is driving me nuts
Here is the link for Bios Also it includes on how to make Hacked Bios witch i personally think is the best thing to do http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=351619 The via HTTP thing is down because Team Xecuter's site is pending renewal and/or deletion
when i use evo tool, it say kernal extraction failed! any idea with that? lol i am not having much luck here!
Why are you using evo tool?.. Your bios disk should contain 2 files BIOS.BIN...512k DUMMY.BIN...400MB Make sure that the flash enable is on..middle switch to the right.. Theres a bit of an art to this..when you crack it, it's easy.. call the disk bios.. I can't post screenshots..I'll put up a nero setup file for dvd burns..
I think he is trying to do the hacked bios....... IF you OM me your Email i think i still have mine....