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the sims vacation and alcohol

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by angusisok, May 8, 2003.

  1. angusisok

    angusisok Guest

    i am trying to backup my sims vacation with alcohol 120 and i have put it on safe disk 2(because that is what is what it is protected by) but i keep on getting these disk read errors
    are they normal for this type of thing or something and is it going to make a good backup even with all the disk read errors
  2. lilterror

    lilterror Member

    May 7, 2003
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    I think I successfully backed up my sims unleashed using the fireburner method? Well the disc installs okay from my cd burner drive. Maybe try that method?
  3. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    The errors you see in the read image process are normal for Safedisc 2.5.x. The Safedisc cd protection is found right at the beginning of the cd (1-10,0000 sectors). Don't worry, be happy! Use the Safedisc 2 datatype profile to burn and depending upon the brand name of your burner will determine if you need emulation to play your backup.

    Shoey :)
  4. angusisok

    angusisok Guest

    will it only install if i use it in the burner drive or normal cd rom drive
  5. angusisok

    angusisok Guest

    woops i meant to say that i burned them with all those errors and worked fine when had installed with the real version the played off the burnt version but installing didn't work with the burnt one but i ran it from the normal cd drive. do i run it from the burner drive
  6. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Run the backup from your burner and if you encounter errors, then you need emulation. You would enable ignore media type, bad sector and laserlock emulation (Alcohol 120). Be sure Alcohol 120 is running in system tray (startup)while playing your backup. If this should fail then give Daemon Tools a go because many pc protected games are "blacklisted"(emulation)

    Shoey :)

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