i have been playing bf2 for a little while now on ranked servers and acuried ranks and badges but wen i check it on bfhq and some sites it dosent show up infact it just says 0 0 0 0 for all my things like time played online and in a squad so im wondering if it aint my firewall then was is da problem btw i use a image to play the game not the original cd
You have to play the 'original' with no-modifications, it sounds as if you are playing a 'pirated' verson that included a server patch to play with other 'pirates' on a public hosted server. If you want to post 'real' scores buy the game and play on the actual online servers intended by the game developers.
It isnt a pirated version i bought the game and burned it then installed it and cause i couldent use burned dvd for some reason i used an image of the dvd on daemon tools to play it an no server patch has been installed although i have read alot abot them i would like to know more and to solve the problem