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the "game" forum more like the "were can i find a no-cd crack forum"!

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by PeaInAPod, May 7, 2006.

  1. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    I am a avid pc gamer and therefore always make copys of my games and store away the originals. Therefore i know all about multiple cds onto 1/2 dvd(s), no-cd/dvd cracks, and everything else. I just get so ticked when I go to the game forums and see some thread without a reply that goes something like this.... " I just download such and such game off of uTorrent/BitComet/etc. And I do own the game. When I mount the game with Daemon Tools it says please insert disc and restart application. What do i do?" I get so ticked when some nobody comes to the forums covering up their piracy of pc games with some lame story. If you dont have the game DONT download it!!
  2. paul1085

    paul1085 Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Yeah right!!

    Fraid it doesn't happen like that all prices nowadays are a con and so producers deserve whats coming to them.

    So your telling me and everyone else that you've never downloaded a song, DVD, or computer game because your sick of waiting 4 months for them to come out and having to fork out 1/3 of your weekly wages on something that'll keep you occupied for 48 hours tops!
  3. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    Okay thats not what im saying at all. I am saying i am sick of people so dumb that they dont bother to look at other threads. Most of the time the "postee" doesnt own the game, they just made up a chintzy story to cover up the fact that they illegally downloaded it.

    And about your comments about me downloading stuff. Your right I do download stuff. When I hear of a new band thats supposedly really good I download some of the songs to see if I like them first. And if I dont like them then I just delete the song, why would i want to keep them if i dont like them?? And if I do like them I buy the actual cd so I can rip it into a higher bitrate than the crappy 128kbps that nearly everyone on P2P networks uses. And no I dont download movies either Im not going to waste my time and bandwidth on a movie I might not like when I can just rent it for $3-4 or buy it for $15-$20. And if I own it I can just copy it and therefore no need to download it.

    And when you say
    Do you mean you download pirated movies 4 months before they come out?
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2006
  4. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    *Double Post*
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2006
  5. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I absolutely detest all the little pricks who come there crying cause they can't get their pirated game to work. Screw every last worthless one of them.

    I also hate the whining about how much games cost. Ever consider the amount of people and man hours involved in making games these days? It takes years and lots of people getting paid a wage that whole time to develop and release a title so bitching about $50 for a game is beyond ridiculous.

    I see a generation of punks that feel they're entitled to anything they want whenever they want and God forbid someone suggest they pay for it. I grew up in a time where if you couldn't afford something then tough tits - you got by without it.

    Here's what I see all the time in the CD forum,

    "Wah, wah, wah I can't afford $50 for a game!"

    Here's what I say,

    "Shut your hole. You can't cough up $50 for a game yet you can afford a PC good enough to game on, you can afford internet and you can afford a burner and blank discs. Lame! Lame! Lame!

    Yes sir, I can.

    See the "tough tits" comment above.

    I invite anyone here to stop by and take a look at my hard drives. Every piece of software and every game I have installed is bought and paid for. Wanna know why? I'd like those companies to keep making cool software and games. Freeloaders can't figure that one out.

    I'm not trying to bag on you as a person Paul but your statements just don't sit right with me.
  6. paul1085

    paul1085 Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Everyones entitled to there own opinion and I'm not trying to start a flame with a moderator because we all know the outcome of that one! lol

    Anyway lets say that I get paid £150 pounds a week, 17.5% of that has to be paid to the government (tax), so that leaves me with £123.75, £60 a week goes into rent so £123.75 minus £60 = £63.75, now phoneline and internet costs around &30 a month so minus £7.50 - £20 weekly foodshopping equals £36.25.

    So in reality after all outgoing payments I'm left with £36.25 now I'm not saying your right or wrong or I'm right or wrong its just a topic of opinion but our government doesn't do anything to help young adults get started out in life.

    1. I can't affors any education and government are unwilling to pay for it.

    2. I can't afford to drive even though I'v been saving up for driving lessons for the past 3 months I'm only at £250 and to get all of it done in one go I'm going to need at least £400.

    3. Tony Blair is a major dumbass and has been raising taxes left right and centre everyone in England knows that prices have been going up unevenly to how much we get paid in resulting all out poverty except from the minor few, even though Tony Blair gets to spend all the tax payers money on planes and flights for his family, rehoming and protecting convicted paedophiles at very high prices and get this any illegal immigrant made to deport to another country gets £10,000 (we don't get that type of kindness), house prices have actually gone up over 100% in most areas in the last ten years as opposed to about 33% increase in income.

    And at computer games costing £40 a pop and having to wait 4 to 5 months for things from the states to come over here then I personally think this is justified.

    Have you watched V for Vendetta I think that portrays a truth in what is to come and how the government is shaping up.

    If BNP win this national election I dread to think what'll become of us.

    and add to all that get this the 'free' NHS service that we pay for through taxes as it once was is going to entail us to pay £5 every night we stay and no more free treatment!

    Just a couple of newspaper articles over the past week I couldn't find the more serious ones but you'll catch my drift.





    Last edited: May 12, 2006
  7. Weycraze

    Weycraze Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Let's get honest here a little folks, I'm pretty sure the first time I had my own access to the net, my first thoughts were what can I get free on the net?

    It opened up a whole new world.

    PeaInAPod and Neph, I do agree with you, but not all the way, up to about 99.8%.

    Till the end of downloading days, people will continue to get pirated anything, and eventually they will all figure out how to handle and operate the files they download.

    This is absolute.

    It took me about a year to get good at downloading just about anything I wanted, I am one of those people that self-taught myself,
    BUT, I can honestly say I never posted a thread anywhere complaining my downloaded game wouldn't work. That is ridiculous, and I think it comes from younger impatient people. If something I downloaded didn't work, I really didn't care.

    I broke down only 2 times, once to buy Half-Life 2, and once to buy Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.

    paul1085, yup software does cost money, but I'll be honest with you too, I make quite a decent wage for a living. I'd hazzard to guess
    that if I could put a monetary value of all the stuff I've downloaded over the last four years, I probably could buy a new sportscar, a home, a bunch of new toys.

    I can't afford to do that tomorrow either!

    All the software I have in my possesion, excluding Windows XP is illegit.

    I pay my ISP monthly, I use what I download for personal use only, I do not sell any of it either.

    I do show friends with Pc's how to download and get stuff they want too. I don't like to harbor knowledge, those people are gonna do it anyway, someway somehow, so I just help them along.

    The good thing for all the developers of software is that there are much less people in the world doing what I do, than there is honest poeple buying their work. So, they are making money.

    If I can keep a buck in my pocket, damn right I will.

    Ahh, just my 2 cents!!


  8. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    First off I want to say that I was in a real pissy mood last night and was quite harsh. Sorry if you felt I beat up on you Paul.

    Despite appearances that's not me at all. Everyone has the right to their opinion and I never have and never will ban someone for simply disagreeing with me on a topic of discussion. Only rule breakers and troublemakers get banned. Throw it back at me all you want :)

    I know times are tough for many and I'm not excluded. I can't work right now and after the bills I have to scrape change just to buy enough (sometimes not enough) groceries for the month. Because of this I've had to replay Half Life 2, Doom3 and FEAR even though I'm so sick of them it isn't funny. I'd love nothing more than to run out and pick up Condemned, Tron 2.0 and Time Shift but I can't. It'd be easy for me to jump on IRC (yes I know how to use it) and grab them both in an afternoon but it just ain't right and I don't operate that way. I can deal with not getting everything I want just fine and don't have to worry about looking ridiculous trying to justify why I think I'm entitled to anything I want.

    You fellas need to know that I'm not some superhuman able to resist all temptation. I know all too well how hard it is to wait when you want something real bad. Some of you may know that I recently overhauled my PC and I did it in a way that I loathe and hate - credit. I don't use credit or own credit cards till newegg sent me an unsolicited line of credit (the bastards! :p) at just the right time for me to break down and use it. I'm at home most of the time now, my computer had been getting too slow for my needs, I had no more extra income to upgrade it and that newegg card just sat there batting it's eyes at me. Now I have even less money for groceries after I make my newegg payment.

    I know software pirating is everywhere and its never going away but it pisses me off to no end when people try to justify it. There is no justifying it. If you're going to do it then at least have the common sense to keep it out of the forums otherwise you're just making yourself Neph bait.
    Last edited: May 12, 2006
  9. Weycraze

    Weycraze Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Your right Neph, there is no justifying it.Period

    I guess I sit right in the middle of the fence between good and evil,
    And probably a bit on the evil side!!!LOL.

    Condemned is a pretty good game BTW!

    Peace and out,

  10. paul1085

    paul1085 Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Ouch! That credits going to hurt in a couple of months time!

    I didn't feel that your last message was grouchy in all favor looking back at some of the posts you've made after banning people I feel quite privileged to be spoken to as leniently as you intended.

    I will try keep my opinions about piracy to myself in the near future as it will only contributte to all out warfare which isn't good for the morale of this site.

    Also I am proud to say that I own over 30 PS2 originals and have bought most of my PC games that I have as I feel that some of the smaller titles don't get the attention that they deserve, I have only fully been into computers for a short (5 months), as I used to be a major piss head until I had a wake up call in Hospital, anyways Afterdawn's like my alcohol now so keep the good work up!

    PS Whats Halflife 2 like as I'v completed the first one 3 times but up until recently I hadn't really contemplated getting the second as I'm not to keen on PC shooters.
  11. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    I just wanted to agree with Nephilim I am 16 and if I dont have enough to buy a game I go with out. Now I know the responsibilities are most likely majorly different for me then most in this thread ( jobs,family,etc.) but when FEAR came out I was in school and had no job. So I started mowing lawns when I was with friends and we stopped at McDonalds I either got nothing or something off the $1 menu. And after a while I could afford it! Now everyones finamcial states different. Like Nep. and Paul stated so that does come into play. But piracy is piracy. Support your developers.
  12. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Geez, the dollar menu at McDonald's sounds good right now! I've been living on noodles, crackers and cheese for the last month. Oh, I'm a sorry mess.

    Didn't know you've only been into computers for five months Paul. It's a great hobby and the things you can do with them is amazing isn't it? Half Life 2 is one of the best shooters I've ever played. The graphics are great and the level of interactivity with the environment is amazing. You can use a gravity gun to pick up stuff like radiators, wheelbarrows and bed frames then smash enemies with them :)

    I'm glad you learned from your wake up call and you're here. AD's much cheaper than the pub plus I'm running out of folks to argue with ;P


    Can you send me the ISO's for Condemned? Joking!!! :p My b-day is on the 20th of this month and I think my sis will get it for her poor broke ass brother.

    Take care all :)
  13. paul1085

    paul1085 Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    Yeh sitting in front of a warm computer at night beats waking up in a hedge freezing my ass off somewhere wondering why I'v got several lumps on my head! lol
  14. pepsimaxx

    pepsimaxx Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Last edited: May 12, 2006
  15. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    I hope your sister gets Condemned: Criminal Origins for you Nephilim it is a pretty cool game. I just started playing it today and its going pretty good. My videocard is a lowly PCI 128Mb DDR ATI card. It stinks but it works. I cant wait till im done building my new system.
  16. Weycraze

    Weycraze Regular member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    No prob Neph,

    Download yourself a "free" bittorrent client. I'm quite partial to the latest version of Azureus.

    I'll PM you a free invite, since I'm a notorious Power User now!!

    And investigating away you'll go.LOL

    Just josh'in ya!!

    Take care buddy and see ya around!!

  17. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    We have a deal Weycraze ;P

    I hope she gets it for me too, Pea. With my overhaul replaced my tired Radeon 9800 Pro with a GeForce 6800GS so I'm itching to give it a workout! It came from the factory clocked at 490/1100 and using coolbits I've slowly bumped the core clock up to 510 with no problems. I haven't messed with the memory yet (still new to overclocking).

    Have fun all :)
  18. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    Hey Neph. if you could give me a hand. Im also building myself a new pc. And Im looking for a new video card. any suggestions. my budget is up to $300. and do you know of any good sites were i can read up on overclocking? or would i be better off hitting google? thanks :)
  19. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2006
  20. SadJoker

    SadJoker Regular member

    Oct 28, 2002
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    again I'll admit I use No CD/NO DVD hacks/cracks on games I DO own, cause half the time I cant remember where I put the original or its been damaged or the lameass copyprotection has some temper tamturm thus resulting in the game not running anyway from the original discs. God forbid I run the game from my DVDRW drive and not a DVDROM/CDROM, my DVDROM reads slow as hell, gameplay suffers the game stutters waiting for the DVDROM to catch up etc. To hell with that! Id rather use the NO CD/DVD crack to remove the copyprotection and not hafta worry bout the game crashing/freezing/stuttering cause the copyprotection threw a wrench in the works or my DVDROM took too long to access the next level etc.

    ya'll can call me a pirate all you want. aint going change my attitude or what Im doing. Till the game companies get it threw their thickheads that all this added copyprotection crap like StarForce is dicking over legit users more than it is the pirates, Im going keep using NO CD/DVD cracks to remove it /bypass it so I can play a game I legally paid for..

    Oh yea , and dont forget about those aging out of print games that are no longer updated some of us still own. the Publisher gave up updating such and such game, doesnt run under say WinXP x64 with the current exe. Does that mean I gotta throw the game out or be forced to dual boot? NO, I'll just find the updated NO CD/DVD crack that forces the game to run under newer OSes

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