Just got a used gamecube off ebay, not modded of course. The description was that it did not read discs. Tried it out and the disc didn't even spin. Took it apart, and the cable for the spindle was a bit crushed on one side. Patched that up and the disc started spinning. But still the discs don't load, spins for about 10 seconds, laser moves back n forward, and then stops. Cleaned the laser. No difference. I messed around with the POT settings, original was around 450, went down to 350, 200, and finally 100. No luck. I'm thinking about replacing the laser, but since its a used gamecube off ebay, im worried that replacing it won't be the solution. Is there any other possibilities, anything I should try before buying the laser? Thanks in advance.
thats a big risk there. hope you got it real cheap because the replacement lasers are quite rare and very expensive. possible to find only refurbished lasers. it looks like only the laser's dead.
the gamecube came out to $20 after shipping, just ordered a brand new laser for another $20 also from ebay... i THINK thats cheap... thanks for your reply, i'll post more if i have any problems...
It only cost $50 to get your gamecube fixed from nintendo. I recently got a gamecube free, and of course it's non working. Figured the optical drive is what's wrong, as it does not spin. Everything else seems fine though. I've been considering having nintendo fix it, but being broke, disabled and on a very limited budget, I've been looking for other solutions. But so far it seems like paying nintendo $50 is the best way to go. But then if people are buying dead gc off of ebay, maybe I should just sell it. =) oh, the cost of shipping is covered in that $50 also. well, at least in the US it is. I know this thread is a little old, but thought I'd post this since no one else seems to offer it as a solution.