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burn avi file

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by sang15, May 10, 2006.

  1. sang15

    sang15 Member

    Mar 21, 2005
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    don't know if this is in the right place

    try to burn avi file onto the cd-r but i could only hold like 2 video

    i what to know if their any other way i could hold more than 2 file (trying to put smallville season 5 on the disc)and what softeware do i used (i used nero) any help would be geart.
  2. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Use DVD's U can put 12 Episodes on a Disc..2 on a cd is all U gonna get..They all play in Divx DVD Players
  3. fynet

    fynet Member

    May 17, 2006
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    hi, sang 15, i assumed each episode is around 230mb-350mb. it depends on the size of the file and the capacity of your cd-r.

    let's say if your cd-r is 700MB, and each episode is about 350mb, then you can only burn 2 episodes in it. if the file is about 235mb you probably can also burn only 2 episodes it in, cuz it you were to put in 3 episodes, it will probably over-burn the cd-r.

    so you might wanna check your file size.

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