i am trying to copy Broke Back Mountain and Walk the Line and clone dvd wont allow me to do it. what am i doing wrong? i also have any dvd and all are up to date. thanks for the help. molly
I have just done BOTH those movies, however mine were AVI format. I would suggest you try using AnyDVD along with NeroRecode if you have it. If you dont have it heres a link for a trial period http://www.nero.com/nerodigital/enu/download.php You need PACKAGE 2
I did both of these with an older version of AnyDVD, whatever the version was when they were released. I don't know if it makes a lot of difference, but I use HDD files. AnyDVD bypasses the copyright protection and I use DVD Decrypter (Slysoft preferred settings) to rip to the hard drive. AnyDVD now has its own ripper for ripping to the hard drive plus it incorporates FixVTS which processes for compliance during the rip. Once you have a cleaned and compliant source on the hard drive, you can use almost any decent app to transcode. [bold]Try using the AnyDVD ripper and see if you can use the ripped files in CloneDVD 2.[/bold]
[bold]Try using the AnyDVD ripper and see if you can use the ripped files in CloneDVD 2.[/bold] Glad that was pointed out. I didn't say "step 1, rip with AnyDVD; step 2, open ripped files in CloneDVD 2". However, I suspect if one is going to use ripped files in CloneDVD 2, those ripped files would have to be ripped before the CloneDVD 2 could use them.