Hey there, I'm using a SONY DVD RW drive to burn DVD copies made with ANYDVD/CloneDVD on verbatim media. The dvd plays perfectly on my dvd player for the first half of the movie, but once the layer break happens the movie skips and stutters about once every minute or less for the rest of the film. Sometimes the dvd player is unable to recover from this skipping and just stalls there. I'm wondering if this has to do with the verbatim media, perhaps my burner? Or just my dvd player. Any ideas would be welcomed. Thanks.
Did u burn VOBs or did u rip the dvd to ISO? When I burn DL discs I run Anydvd and then rip to ISO with dvddecrypter then burn with Imgburn. So far IMGburn (which is made by the same guy who created DVDdecrypter and is free) handles the break in layers better than anything else I've tried.
i think unlord has it right. ive done all my DL backups this way, with verbatim DL+r media. all played well. sometimes the dvd player is at fault. try to play on several players to see.
i've been ripping to VOB then burning the VOBs with CloneDVD, so you think that might be the problem?
and if that is the problem (the way i'm burning it) do you have any suggestions on what to do with my VOB files that i've ripped? I keep a lot of the VOBs i rip, so is there any way to convert those to iso then burn with img burn? or will i get the same problem since i originaly ripped them as VOBs and not an image...
im really not sure because ive never tried a DL with clone before. if u have the vob files already on ur pc , u could try burning with nero. ill try doing one this way( with clone) this weekend to see how it goes. be sure ur firmware is up to date and burn at a slow speed, like 2.4x or 4.0x. with nero u might be able to burn in dvd rom mode, be sure to check. one of my burners is a sony and nero supports it with dvdrom.
Ok sounds good, i'll boot up nero and try burning in dvd rom mode, i'll post some results once i've checked it.
quick question that is somewhat newbish... when i have nero Burning Rom open and i'm making a new compilation what should i choose as the type i'm creating: DVD-ROM (ISO) or DVD-Video, i believe you said use the DVD-ROM (ISO) but i just wanted to be sure. Also are there any other options i should make sure i have selected before i burn? Thanks.
DVDD is one of the best DL burner it handels the layer break very well..always choose the MDS file. It contains all the info required, including a link to the ISO and correct layerbreak info.
i have been burning slow, and will continue to do so. I burned a copy using the dvdd -> img then imgburn technique. I'll update tomorrow at some point when i have a chance to try the dvd and see if the layer break/stuttering is still there.
i'm using verbatim media already, hopefully i'll get a chance to try out the dvd i burned last night at somepoint today.
hey guys, so i tried the way of ripping with dvd decrypter while anydvd runs in the background then burning with dvdimg and it worked perfectly, so i'll keep on doing that tactic. thanks for the help. -Torrgan
Ok, so does anybody know if there is a way to convert VOBs into ISO's so that the layer breaks etc. will be there? i'm assuming there really isn't but if anybody knows a way, that'd be great. thanks.
so i tried the method with dvddecrypter and imgburn and it worked for Her majesty's secret service dvd, but when i used the exact same method with back to the future i got skipping after teh first half again. any suggestions?