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File Size

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by Anjelica, May 15, 2006.

  1. Anjelica

    Anjelica Member

    Jun 18, 2004
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    I am not sure I can explain this properly but I will do my best....

    I have been using a TV Box to capture my VHS tape in my hard drive with the intention of using DVD Moviefactory 5 to create chapters and menus etc etc and then burn to DVD.

    I recorded a 2hr music compilation tape to my hard drive, but when I went to play it back there was only the last 5 mins of the recording in the mpeg file.

    I wondered if there was an issue with the file size so I did it again, this time capturing only one hour of tape. When I went to play the recording back there was only 12 minutes of it.

    In the end, I had to record each track individually which was rather time consuming.

    Tonight I have tried to capture a 95 min VHS tape to hard drive but I have only got the last 3mins 41 secs as an MPEG file.

    Does windows have a file size limit so that when this is exceeded the recording automatically overwrites what has already been recorded?

    How can I capture a 1.5/2 hr video onto my hard drive in one big file rather than loads of individual ones? I want to capture a recording of a live concert but don't want to have to do it in 5 min segments.

    Any help would be greatly received

  2. DVD7227

    DVD7227 Regular member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    this one seems to be a challange

    A.The program your using might be a trial version which only lets you capture either 5 minutes or 12

    B.Or it can be your hard drive running out of space, which stops recording.

    If your capturing something thats over 2 hours i suggest you have at least 20 gigs free

    But give us more info on your problem I try and help the best I can.
  3. Anjelica

    Anjelica Member

    Jun 18, 2004
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    Well, I tried the capturing the same video again, this time directing the software to my other hard drive without placing it in a folder.

    As I suspected file size was an issue I watched over it and it captured 1gb and counting. Then it captured 2gb and counting. Assuming all was going to be fine I walked away, yet when the capturing finished and I played it back I had only got 6 mins.

    I captured it again and was going to stop recording with 10 mins to spare and then capture the last ten mins as a separate file. However, I did not get to the PC in time and now I have only got the last 8mins and 55 secs out of a 95 min tape.

    This is not trial software. It is software that came supplied with the TV Box. I have tried capturing with Ulead DVD MovieFacory 5 (bought in an attempt to overcome this file size issue) but it is not detecting my hardware drivers.

    My earlier attempts were filed to one of my hard drives which s 40gb with 28gb free. My latter attempts have been stored on a 180gb hard drive with 78 gb free

    I really don't understand why it captures the vast majority and then seems to overwrite towards the end.

    Any help would be great as this is getting really frustrating and really time consuming. I also worry about whether I can 'glue' the clips together to create one large file if I do have to capture it all in smaller segments
  4. higgielk

    higgielk Guest

    I don't believe it is a Windows issue. I am using an ADS DVD express capture device and Ulead Moviemaker 3.5 to capture VHS and make DVD's. I am having good success.

    It is possible that yours is not compatible with the OS you are using.
    I am using XP home SP2. Also you may try disabling your Virus scanner.
    Most of my captured VHS files(mpeg2) are around 3.5 gig or less.
  5. Anjelica

    Anjelica Member

    Jun 18, 2004
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    I too am using XP Home with SP2.

    I cannot use DVD MF5 as it will not detect the driver for my capture device. I have to use the software which came with the device

    I will try it again and disable my virus scanner and post back, but any other suggestions in the meantime would be welcome
  6. higgielk

    higgielk Guest

    capture is an odd duck. you need the driver from your device, then mf5 should see it. Ads uses a seperate software that captures, but it interfaces with MF3.5, even has a buttont to go there, otherwise you just capture to an mpeg file.
    What brand is your device?
  7. Anjelica

    Anjelica Member

    Jun 18, 2004
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    Its a Gadmei USB TV Box UTV330. Funny thing is, the drivers must be there otherwise the capture device would not work, yet DVD MF5 cannot find it!!

    This is really perplexing me!
  8. DVD7227

    DVD7227 Regular member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    Ok im guessing its the software thats giving you the problems,
    I tried looking everywhere for drivers for the UTV330 but I had no luck
    I know this is the one your using ---


    I also tried looking to see if you can download the drivers and software
    but this is all I got which is the software and drivers for the UTV320/UTV200 ----


    Its worth a try to download those and try,
    Hope this helps

  9. Anjelica

    Anjelica Member

    Jun 18, 2004
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    Thanks to everyone for their efforts and suggestions, but I have cracked it!

    You would not believe what it was!

    When I have been capturing I have started the recording and then walked away until the VHS had finished running. Sometimes, I would 'wake up' my PC and clear the screen saver, just to check on progress.

    I realised that the capture always started shortly after I had cleared the screensaver.

    So I sat here this evening and surfed for 95 mins whilst my video captured. And guess what?

    All content has been captured in one file!! Now I know how to stop this happening again I am gonna try to capture another video tomorrow but remove the screensaver. Hopefully this will allow the whole VHS tape to be captured.

    I appreciate this does not solve the real issue, but it has provided a workable solution.

    Thanks again to everyone for their input, help and advice?

    You guys rock! Cheers!
  10. DVD7227

    DVD7227 Regular member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    Anjelica Im glad to hear that you fixed the problem, If any other problems we will come back and help as much as we can.
    Im really glad you fixed it.
  11. higgielk

    higgielk Guest

    Angleica, great job. Actually just turn your screen saver off. But, make sure you set the timer in MF5, or else it will just copy the static after it is done with the movie. Did that once, not a pretty picture using up my HD with static.
  12. csdavison

    csdavison Member

    May 25, 2006
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    Did you manage to resolve this problem eventually? I have just bought the UTV330 and i am experiencing the same problems. Any advice would be appreciated.
  13. l10nk1ng

    l10nk1ng Member

    Jun 10, 2006
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    Hi.. I just purchased UTV330.. seems I have the same problem of No sound, although the config seems to look ok. I noticed there's no one replying to the post for this problem in the other forum entry by anjelica.. but If anyone knows the solution, it'll help me Not to return this thing to the shop :p

    Thanks heaps guys..

  14. Anjelica

    Anjelica Member

    Jun 18, 2004
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    Hi Guys

    I did put a posting on 16 May when I resolved the issue.

    Basically, I turned off the screensaver. It was as simple as that! It seemed that, as soon as the screensaver kicked in, it stopped the recording. By turning off the screensaver I was able to capture the full VHS into my hard drive
  15. Anjelica

    Anjelica Member

    Jun 18, 2004
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    As for the ussue of no sound, I plugged the TV Box into another USB port. It turned out ot be as simple as that!

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