I just got a lite-on 165H6S and it didn't come with any lightscribe software. What is recommended and where can I get it? Is lightscribe.com the place to look and DL it? Sorry for the newbie questions but lightscribe is new to me. Gotta learn somehow. Thanks.
Hi, Try here. http://www.lightscribe.com/gettingstarted/index.aspx http://www.supermediastore.com/lightscribe-dvd-media-center.html http://www.lightscribecovers.com/ http://www.surething.com/ST/Category.asp?CatCode=DEFAULT
zebadee, Many thanks. Does the freeware surething 4se and universal system software do a descent to good job or would you recommend purchasing some other retail software? One more thing, do you know if there is lightscribe system software available from lite-on and if so would you recommend it instead of the universal? Thanks again.
Hi, AFAIK Lite-On like other makes comes with oem Nero + LSI, LS driver. This enables you to use LS in Nero. It's the same driver you can get from any of the sites. Most folk seem to prefer SureThing, certainly over Nero.
zebadee, I already have nero 6 ultra so I don't want the nero 6 oem. Problem is, on the surething website all I can find for system software is an update. I don't know if that's what I need. Sorry about all the newb questions. Why the hell can't they just include a cd-rom with the needed lightscribe software. This is a real pain. Edit: I think I figured it out. I found a link for nero lightscribe system software. I can use surething for the label software.
I've got the nero and surething 4 SE. The nero covers look identical to the Surething 4 covers. I do run them through the scribing process twice,to get a more detail picture. Surething 4 does have a larger size template on the screen to adjust the print position-nero's is very small. Sonic express labeler came bundled with my HP640c and that program errors out for me. My dad has the same system and his works very good. If you got the epson r-200 or r-300 series,those lightscribing programs are nearly identical to the epson print cd program.
Hi saugmon, I found out that the nero LS system software and the universal LS system software are one and the same. You can DL this contrast utility http://www.lightscribe.com/support/index.aspx?id=306 too improve the detail on one pass so you don't have to run it through twice. It took a bit of reading but I finally got the needed software and got this LS ting figured out.
I got her downloaded and set. Took a while to find the program on my desktop.It was hiding behind my sysmetrix guages,LOL I've got nothing to burn to lightscribe except for Tamara and Grandma's boy. Covers.to is up and running with a different name: http://covers.box.sk/. A slew of covers to choose from there.You don't get the full color,but looks decent after using them for your lightscribe pics. Hopefully that lightscribe ELCU utility will help enhance the image. How are you coming along with your lightscribing?
Got it figured out and working fine. Only hard part was figuring out what software I needed. Even emailed lite-on before I figured out what I needed and that was a total waste of time. A big thanks to zebadee for the links. He knows far more than the lite-on support team. Thanks for your input too saugmon.
I got one scribing right now. I tried nero,but my picture on the template was a very narrow band-not even entire disc. So I'm using Surething 4 Se.Arniebear sent me copies of his on cd-being a great friend. Usually 30 mins per pass. After the enhancement utility,says it'll be about 40 mins or so. Hopefully it'll look better than before! I also tried sonic,still have an error when I try to scribe.I need to ditch all that sonic software.
saugmon- Okay at the risk of sounding stupid ! No risk I'm stupid ok ! surething 4 SE Have it downloaDed and The only thing I see about Lightscribe is the splash page when you open the proggie ! Granted I have'nt bought any ls media yet I have the LS CDR blank somewhere ? I take it that the Lightscribe function in surething 4 SE only shows up in the program with a ls disc in the drive waiting to burn label? Or am I just not looking in the right area? Also downloaded the enhancement as well ! have you figured that out yet? Thanx!!!! ( Oh' Great Varmint Dancer!!!!)
BIGTOXY69, You don't have to load the ls cd or dvd untill you are ready to burn on it. Go ahead and get the template all ready and you can even click print preview to get an idea of how it will look prior to burning. Then you can load the ls media. I'm pretty sure it will prompt you to load a disc anyway if you forget.