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Virtual CD Hide/SR7 Stop

Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by bthorn, May 21, 2006.

  1. bthorn

    bthorn Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Virtual CD Hide and SR7 Stop used to work perfectly for me, but now they won't find any virtual drives (Daemon Tools). Anyone else have this problem all of the sudden?

  2. Cinanix

    Cinanix Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    nope, but you can fix it by buying the original cd/dvd of the game and playing it that way!
  3. bthorn

    bthorn Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    It's a good thing then I have the original, or I wouldn't be playing it all!
  4. Cinanix

    Cinanix Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    Cool, then have fun playing
  5. Xian

    Xian Regular member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    There are many legitimate reasons to be running virtual drives and it ticks me off that they automatically assume I am a pirate for running them. For example, I have Akai sound sample cds which is a custom format that Windows will not read. These CDs cost me hundreds of dollars. If I want to use the sounds in something like Reason 3.0 in Windows I have to make an image and mount it in a virtual drive and then I can use the sounds with Reason's digital samplers.
  6. 223322

    223322 Guest

    Xian, I'd have to agree with you man. People don't understand the nature of virtual drives. THEY'RE FOR EMULATING YOUR STORE BOUGHT DISCS!!! STOP f@$#$%^#ing spamming people with your copyright bs!
  7. keithyb

    keithyb Regular member

    Dec 5, 2003
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    I agree. I own/bought elder scrolls 4, fear, bf2, stronghold2,warcraft 3, dragonshard, battle for middle earth 2, rome totolwar, civ 4,farcry, hl2, fifa 2006 and some others. I have a folder where I ripped all my games to my hard drive to mount with deamon. Why you ask? Well I have run over 2 warcraft 2 disk with my chair. After the 2nd one i decided that I would rip all my games to my pc and put the disk in storage. that solved that problem. I also do not like to play 1 game all day long I like to switch a lot. This saves a HUGE hassle of having to get every single disk and take it out of the box putting it in my dvd/cd rom. I can just unmount then mount the new game. I cant break the disk this way and it is just SO MUCH easier. The protection is getting more strict causing me to get more programs to run in the background to run them. Thats not that big of a deal tho.
  8. 223322

    223322 Guest

    That's the thing you have to support the developers. I bought pirates, GTA san andreas, guild wars, doom 3/ expansion about a dozen in all this year. I mean yeah somebody could use this tool to mount warez iso's but that someone would be a assh#$%^ in my opinion.
  9. duftopia

    duftopia Member

    Jan 16, 2005
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    I was using clonecd to copy my software. The reason behind it was simple - I loved 3do games and you needed to have the primary CD (safedisc) in your drive all the time to play.

    result: My dvd-rom drive is finished, totally ruined I had to replace it, my cd unreadable (I literally never took it out of the drive!) and that makes two of the same cd, then I went and became a cloncd person.

    Cloned CD's do not work as well or last anywhere nearly as long as the originals, but when 3do went under I was happy that at least my heroes IV original cd was still working, too bad the others aren't.

    I OWN at least 20 games (counted them just now bought, played and sold much more, I destry all copys every couple years (who wants to play a 256 color game anymore) and have thousands of $ of software, and copy protection sucks

    The best protection is the words in the manuals one, I love that though I regret saying that a bit now since discovery software (amiga people) used it and I cannot ever play my rocket rangers anymore, with special print these manuals cannot be xeroxed, readme files can be made but DYNAMIC manuals like PDF's designed for specific releases work and the ocassional pestering is livable.

    OKAY so now how do i make a copy of my safedisc 4 middle earth, my personal policy is no copy no play, sell - before it goes bad.

    By the way software support and value has gone down the tubes for all software, if ever there was justification for pirating NOW is it!, A short while ago I bought a product that was less then a beta from a store, and it crippled my system no less, and Civ IV from atari was one step shy of crippleware as well.

  10. keithyb

    keithyb Regular member

    Dec 5, 2003
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    Sounds like StarForce got in and infected your system. The protection on CIV4 should not have tho. I have not heard of that protection hurting anyones system.

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