Hi, I recently purchased a gamecube (2nd Hand), i'm using backup games, using the max drvie pro swap method to play the games. everything works fine, however eventually i hear my gamecube making some rather unusal clunking noises (in game). after this has started happening the gamecube fails to read the disk, the music playing in the game gets stuck in a loop. i then get the message i've read the gc manual and it just suggests i clean the disk, so i've done more than 5 times now with a soft cloth as suggested. after receiving this error numerous times within a short period time of time i thought i would get one last opinion before i take it back to be replaced. cheers Novakry
You need to adjust the pot. Either that or use better DVD media, a better burner, and burning software such as ImgBurn and Nero Burning Rom 6. Only adjust the pot as a last resort though.
cheers venom, i was beginning to think no one was going to answer this. i hope what you say is the cause of the problem. cheers novakry