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Play Time Problem

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by Bryskens, May 23, 2006.

  1. Bryskens

    Bryskens Member

    Apr 12, 2006
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    I have a question about a weird codec? problem

    wey often i play a videofile in my media players(thoose are Windows Media Player 10 and Creative Media Player)i can never get the correct movie lenght time.

    wery often it looks like this.if the real play-time for a movie is accualy 8.53 min
    it instead oftenshows 59 sec for example in the media players.
    the problem with this is that i can't play forward in the movie normal,to be able to know know where i havelanded in time in the movie, cause the "play time bar" that normal slowly procced forward in the mediaplayers you know, it stops at what it think is 59 sec lenght and the whole movie.
    but the movie continues to play after that untill the whole 8,53 min

    why i think this is a codec problem is cause when i instead use VLC player instead of my orginal players. i allways get the right time with it, and the play bar procced as normal and i can see how long the movie is.the same with Power DVD. but i dont want to use thoose player as standard movie players

    I have tested alot of diferent codec packs. (codec pack all in one, XP Codec Pack, K-lite Codec Pack)but the result is the same, right time dont showing up in about 50 % of all my videos
    (and thoose is not fiew:)
    So could it be just a codec conflict?, ore is it any wrong with Windows Meida & Creative player?, i have all available updates for thoose players.
    I don't think its just the movieclip that is wrong created in the first place, must be somethin else?

    any ideas please?
  2. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    if the movie is playing then it wouldn't be a codec problem! It's a software problem..... try updating the program or reinstalling the program and make sure you check off all the media files you want that software to play! then see if it's working properly! the only time that I would think it's a codec problem is when the movie won't play altogether. Just my 2 cents!
    Last edited: May 23, 2006

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