Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by help12345, May 23, 2006.

  1. help12345

    help12345 Guest

    here are all the files u need

    First off the other tut the dude made is WRONG. All Linux installers have a block that doesn’t let you sign in on live with Modified Dashboard installed. Cold boot or not it doesn’t let you. Also mounting an image to a virtual drive is straight up retarded. You only do this if you want the "No Cd Crack" for pc games. Ok now that I got that off my head I feel GOOD.


    2. Iso making

    A. Making a perfect working .Iso to be burnt on a DVD+R (RW)
    -For Samsungs drives

    B. Making a perfect working .ccd image to burn to a CDR (RW)
    -For Phillips drives

    Note-if you have a Thompson drive your in a bad situation. Still if ya got a Thompson your best bet is to burn an .Iso on a DVD+R (RW) or buy a Phillips or Samsung. Thompson drives just straight up suck, they don’t read ANY CDR (RW) and some only read xbox retail games. These only came in older xboxes and if you got a newer one, you don’t have a Thompson.

    Find out what DVD drive you have:

    3. Burning your newly created .Iso image or .ccd image to a DVD+R (RW) or a CDR (RW)

    4.Opening that xbox and getting disks on live (HARD PART)


    Okay guys here we go!

    Ok, there are three types of DVD drives to date (10-13-06).
    Thomson DVD DRIVE-worst (reads retail xbox games and some burnt dvd+r (rw))
    Phillips DVD DRIVE-ok (reads cdr (rw)(with special method) and dvd+r (rw) along with retail games)
    Samsung DVD DRIVE-best (reads cdr (rw) and dvd+r (rw) also retail games)

    I suggest if you have a Thompson you should upgrade or buy a new xbox because they have Samsungs installed.

    There is way to get ALL Phillips to read a cdr, which I will be explaining at a later time. So if you have this your in good shape.

    If you have a Samsung your in even better shape. You just make an Iso and burn it to a disk. Easy like that.

    Threes three ways you can get on xbox live with these disks. Unfortunately all need your xbox to be open which voids the warranty. So if you are not willing to do this, stop right now. There is NO other way to mod old maps on live. So if some retard says you don’t need to open it, has dead wrong and all that he doing is giving you a straight ticket to an EPROM bann-frann-dizzle.

    2. Iso Making
    Part A
    Making a perfect working .Iso to be burnt on a DVD+R (RW)

    First, you’re going to have to get a few programs.
    Ftp program
    ISOMAKER 2.0

    NOTE- you need to download ISOMAKER 2.0 and Copyhaunters-XBE-ISO-patcher-v2 off of xbins. But since i'm nice I will send anyone who asks for the programs. Or you can help this white boy out and get it off xbins. But hell I don't really care to send you guys them.

    Assuming you have acquired all of the tools necessary, where ready. FTP to your xbox and extract halo 2 off your hard drive. That is if you have it, if you don't find out how to get it or just download one of the .Iso that I will be posting.

    After you get halo 2 on your computer your going make a folder called "xboxgame".
    It should look like this:

    Now, you’re going to open ISOMAKER.EXE and choose "xboxgame" folder.
    Then your going to name the ISO "GDFIMAGE.ISO" without the quotes.
    It should look like this:

    This will produce a file, called XBOXGDF.ISO, in the place where you assigned it to go. This will take from 2-10 minutes. When finished, you will now be the Proud Owner of a perfect working GDF’ed ISO for Burning to DVD+R (RW)
    Burning will be covered later.

    Part B
    Making a perfect working .ccd image to burn to a CDR (RW)

    Ok, first you’re going to do the exact same thing as in PART A (PRODUCE A PERFECT WORKING .ISO IMAGE).
    When you do that your going to have to download a few programs:
    Daemon Tools-

    First open daemon tools. On your right tool bar it should show its icon. Right click on it and hit "virtual cd/dvd-rom" then choose a virtual drive you want to mount it to (doesn’t matter just remember which on it was). Choose the drive then hit "mount image" and choose the .Iso you made earlier.

    Once it is mounted with Daemon open up Clone Cd. Choose� Read to image file" and choose the drive that you mounted the .Iso file to. Click it then hit next. Then click data cd. Then make sure you have Create “CUE-SHEET� checked and hit browse and choose where you want the new files to be sent to. Click OK or Next. Now sit and wait… When complete, you will have 4 new files, XBOXGDF.CCD, XBOXGDF.SUB, XBOXGDF.IMG, and XBOXGDF.CUE.

    Now you have these for files. Go to the burning your newly created .Iso image or .ccd image to a DVD+R (RW) or a CDR (RW) section. In this case it’s the CDR (RW) part.

    3. Burning your newly created .Iso image or .ccd image to a DVD+R (RW) or a CDR (RW)

    Burning the .Iso on DVD+R (RW)

    Pretty simple. Just select your favorite dvd burner and make sure you choose "make data dvd" and then just select your dvd burner and put in a dvd and burn the .Iso that you made earlier and sit back and watch as it burns. When done you are the proud owner of a halo 2 modded disk. Now go to the "how to open your xbox section" and then you can get these disks on live and have the time of your life.

    Burning the .ccd image to a CDR (RW)

    Download this and ask me for serial number (needs it to burn image)
    FIREBURNER 2.2.1 (requires full version-ask for serial number in pm)-

    Open up fire burner 2.2.1 and hit file open and select XBOXGDF.CCD that is one of the four files made earlier.
    Go to options, configuration... …Select your Burning Device...
    ...(DVD+R (RW) WRITER) DUH!
    Then select the Recording Options TAB. Under Recording Method, only have DISK-AT-ONCE 96 checked. (Disk-At-Once 16 untested for this purpose) Under Mutely-session, only have CLOSE CD checked. Under OTHER… make sure AUTOCORRECT SUB-CHANNEL and AUTOCORRECT EDC/ECC is checked. I recommend that you enable Burn Proof if you have it! Click OK, and return to the main Fire burner Window.
    Like so...

    Place a BLANK CDR in the Burner… wait for it to settle. Click the CREATE CD MENU, a confirmation box appear, click Yes. The Burn process has started. CDR burning will take from 3-45 minutes for a full CDR, depending on the Burner X rating. (On my Plextor 48x24x48xA… a 700MB CDR take less than 3 minutes) When done, click OK, close FIREBURNER, and ENJOY your CDR BACKUP in your XBOX. Now go to "how to open your xbox section"

    4. Opening that xbox and getting on live (HARD PART)

    First check this site out and only go to where you have the hard drive and disk drive out. Don’t do anything with the motherboard.

    Ok, like I said. Threes two ways we can do this.
    A- Swapping Drives While On Live
    B- Or opening disk drive while on live and switching disks

    Swapping disk drives
    First off this way requires two disk drives not like the other one, which uses one drives. In my own opinion this is the easiest but most expensive....
    First you’re going to take out the DVD drive from you xbox. If you unscrewed the 3 screws holding it in it should just slip right out. Threes two wire the idea cable and the power cable. Hers what your gunner do. Your gunna boot up your xbox with the retail h2 disk. When you get to the screen where it says, "press start" and it plays that gay ass music your gunna get your second DVD drive, it should already have the modded disk in it and swap them. Or in nooby terms unplug the yellow cable from the one and plug it into the other and unplug the ide cable and plug it into the other one. Now wait 2 minutes or so until the drive reads the disk and ect. Now hit start sign in and you have a modded disk online. Get ready to get 200 friend requests and peoples dropped jaws.

    Opening disk drive while on live and switching disks
    OK this is the cheap way but tricky. Ok now unplug the 2 wires from the DVD drive. Pending on what type of DVD drive you have the screws vary in place. Samsungs are on the bottom and Philips are on the top and I’m pretty sure Thompson’s are at the top too. After unscrewing you should be able to take off the cover of your DVD drive. Look around notice where the cd/dvd lays. Ok now to get it on live. Start up the xbox with the retail h2 disk. When it gets to the "log in" menu and the corny music you lift the top off of the DVD drive. Take out the h2 disk and put in the modded and put the cover back on. Wait a minute or two for it to load and read and BANG your set. Sign in and mod the fusk out of people. Make them want to drop to their KNEES.


    Ok guys you did it. You can now mod old maps on live and whatever.
  2. vanhick

    vanhick Member

    May 29, 2006
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    I have one problem and I'm unclear of a few things. I burnt my ISO to a DVD-R, I swap my disc and log into live. Once I go to load a map it fails. Is what I'm unclear about is when you say "This will produce a file, called XBOXGDF.ISO, in the place where you assigned it to go." Mine doesn't turn in to XBOXGDF. I also would like to know when the patcher comes into place, maybe that has to do with my maps failing.
    I have a thompson drive, but it reads my DVD-Rs, and it would be great if you could get those pics up. Thanks
  3. xC4NADIAx

    xC4NADIAx Member

    May 31, 2006
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    k how do i contact you for the unlock code for FB
  4. azzidrain

    azzidrain Regular member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    I hope you weren't referring to me. And that statement is just utterly wrong and ignorant. Apparently you do not know how to get on Live with a softmodded Xbox. If you look at the stickied tutorial in this section that I had posted, there are many people that have gotten onto live with just b/c you do not know how to get on live with a softmodded Xbox, doesn't mean nobody can get on.

    And before this SID version that I tell people to use, I was able to get on live using SID 2.0 just by cold I dont know where you are getting your statistics. I own a website with ~12,000 people registered and everyone that tried my tutorial with SID 2.0 and cold booting was able to get on live quite fine.

    Get your facts straight bro.

    I havent quite read this tutorial fully yet, but there are many of these tutorials floating around the net that are incorrect or incomplete...such as missing files and what not. I'll have to look this over but I would like to warn people trying this to just watch out since some of the people from my site have used tutorials such as this and screwed up their Xbox.

    I know the guy that created this firmware hack...his gt is Old Map Modz and him and one other guy worked to get this working. So I'll have to review this and what they said you need to do to actually play on live with a burned h2 disc.

    Xbox Softmod Tutorials
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2007
  5. jazz4890

    jazz4890 Member

    Jun 10, 2006
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    Ok I am having a few problems like the pictures that you have posted for us to see didnt work and when I open my isomaker it says that I need some autocad folder and for some reason I cant seem to understand it at all could you plz help me.
  6. ShyCapone

    ShyCapone Member

    Jun 11, 2006
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    OK first off the guy tahts arguing with the creator of this tut you are the one my friend that needs to get there facts strait because i have tried your tut and it DID NOT WORK you see when you load halo 2 after a cold boot it takes you directly to the XBOX LIVE AUTO PATCHER that means

    it installs your original dash onto your xbox and even if you WANTED to get on live you couldent because the SID 2.0 sets your network cofig to manual and that is why you have to change it back to the original settings when you un-install your soft mod

    dont tell me i am wrong because i have been modding for about 6 years just because your so called "website" has a tut on it about some pardon my language some BULL SHIT way to get on live besides you cant emulate a drive on your xbox its not possible i mean maybe if you were some kind of Microsoft Employee then i might take your word for it but you arent so therefor i am not going to belive SHIT you say

    So you my friend need to get YOUR facts Strait

    Thank you
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2006
  7. azzidrain

    azzidrain Regular member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    Actually Mr. need to get YOUR facts STRAIGHT! About the SID 2.0 statement you made...did it ever occur to you that you should have updated BEFORE you softmodded your Xbox. Apparently not since you couldnt get on live with saying you needed to d/l the update. Its just like the new softmod installers, if you want to go on live, you have to have your gamertag already on your xbox or else you will have to uninstall your softmod, make your gt and then reinstall your softmod. I've never met someone so ignorant... So instead of bitchin' at me please sit down and shut the h311 up and listen to your ridiculous argument.

    And while you are sitting down there pondering what you just said, please go over and talk to gus738 (thats his name on this site). He's one of the people that have helped created SID 4.0 and SID 4.5...maybe others. He's even made his own SID. And please mister smarty pants, PLEASE pm him and ask him if SID 4.0 or even 4.5 is compatible with XBOX LIVE! Maybe you should read the users manual before you use certain installers.

    I'm not calling you a dumbass...well yeah I am, but thats besides the point. Some people read the documents that come with the installer...maybe you should and maybe you should follow instructions as it states.

    haha I'm re-reading what you said...sorry but you are not the sharpest tool in the shed. haha

    Xbox Softmod Tutorials
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2007
  8. ShyCapone

    ShyCapone Member

    Jun 11, 2006
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    OH ROFL you my friend are hillarious

    i realyl hate to tell you this but no matter how hard you TRY to get on live with your xbox soft mods on you cant

    disc emulation is not possible

    this tut works i tried it and works 100%

    no matter what if you try to sign on live with your sof mod installed your gonna get the same message because if you READ the Knave read me file it states plainly that you will not be able to sign into live with the soft mod installed so if you would like to get off my nuts it would be muchly appreciated k? Thx

    oh and BTW your site licks dick for modding

    if you want some good EXPERIANCED modders then please go to

    it actually helps you with your problems instead of having jackasses like your self arguing with people who ACTUALLY know what there talking about

    you will more than likely report this post because of all the cursing in it but i could give a fusk you or one of your mods banned me from your forum because i modded DKRiscool which his mods happen to suck fat cock
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2006
  9. vanhick

    vanhick Member

    May 29, 2006
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    Okay, not really sure if I'm going to clear things up for either of you, but I'm not really familiar with linux installers, but I do know that a installer that uses a shadow drive you can log onto XBL with a cold boot. For example Krayzies Installer. I know this works because I do it on a daily basis, and thats just about how everyone does it on XBL. And another thing, I'm not really sure why you are using SID, as far as I've read the one to use is Krayzies Ndure 1.1. And one last thing, ShyCapone, you said you have tried this tutorial and it worked 100%. I followed it step by step, I swap my disc, but I fail to load the maps, I tried swapping the whole drive and buring several different ways, so if you could help me out that would be great, thanks.

    P.S. A guy I was talking to on XBL said that he had a "Stealth Chip" which allowed him to use his modded dash on XBL and use to disk emulator to load old maps off the hard drive, but thats just what he said.
  10. azzidrain

    azzidrain Regular member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    @vanhick - I dont know what the guy told you on live, but you need to do that firmware hack that can be found on xbox-scene. And you're right about this tutorial not working, this tutorial has been out since october...and no one has gotten it to my lil cursing buddy here is lying to everyone.

    @shycapone - Apparently you havent read the new SID 4.0+ manual. Just like vanhick said about Ndure and being able to get on live, SID 4.0+ has the Ndure installer. I don't care what you say about not being able to get on live with a softmod installed, I know it works and I'm trying to help people so they can get on live with a softmod still installed. If you can't see that, go take your ignorance else where. I can finally see what you are trying to make an ass out of yourself:
    I don't know who you are nor do I know who dkr is. you must have been acting like this at my forums b/c we don't put up with ignorance, cockiness, or just outright flaming of members.

    And wow...all the cool modders go to your website...its a freeboard...invest some money into it if you want to be taken serious. When I see proboard or invisionfree attached to the site, I don't even look at it.

    Why don't you just look around in my tutorial, there are many people that have done it successfully and have gotten on live. And PLEASE, talk to gus, one of the makers of SID and he can tell you whether you can or cannot get on live with SID 4.0. But your ignorance has shown that you are an ass and will not do what I'm saying b/c you will find that I'm correct and you are incorrect whish would make you look like a total idiot for going on and on about this shit.

    Xbox Softmod Tutorials
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2007
  11. shadow66

    shadow66 Guest

    This is such a pain how a topic is started to help people and then all of a sudden it becomes an argument. Is there any one who knows how to mod the old maps on live without using this tutorial that "doesnt" work. If you know just post it or somthing, pm me if you can and help me out possibly. There isnt many places that have this and alot of people come through here because of this non working tutorial. Please help us out..
  12. azzidrain

    azzidrain Regular member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    First, go to xbox-scene and look up the firmware hack. When you can do that, then you have to hex edit your Halo Maps...etc. I would first get the firmware hack done since most people cant do that.
  13. shadow66

    shadow66 Guest

    Ya, i did the hack for the xbox and 360, i just need to know how to hex edit the maps after i have the iso. Some one said there was an easy app on danrules but its down right now. Any detailed instrusction s on hex,
  14. azzidrain

    azzidrain Regular member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    haha a lot of the halo modding sites are down. I would have the download for you but my site is down as well :( Someone has been going to each of the sites and DoS attacking them and/or hacking them.

    I think I may know a friend that has the program, but I think you need to read the intrustions on how to use the program...which was posted on danh's site.

    I can talk to danh if you want and see if he saved it to his computer...if not I'm sorry :(
  15. shadow66

    shadow66 Guest

    Thats cool, if you have the program that would work, i can give you an upload link to my site. Im usualy pretty god at figuring it out by my self, instructions are always nice though.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2006
  16. azzidrain

    azzidrain Regular member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    Not to disrespect danh...but he doesnt want the program 'anywhere else besides his site'....or something retarded like that. He wants his site to be the only one with the program and instructions on how to do it.

    ...but he said he's going to talk to his server's tech today to see if he can get his site unsuspended.
  17. shadow66

    shadow66 Guest

    That is realy stupid, 100 % promise you that if i knew the name ofthe app i could find it in 10 min. Its never just on 1site. If he thinks his modding site is the only one with it, thats just funny.
  18. azzidrain

    azzidrain Regular member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    Well he's a respected member of the modding community. I would have had it on my site until he said that it was only going to be on his site. Plus the fact that his server is suspended...or else I would have had the link for you. But send me a pm and I think I may be able to help you out further.
  19. swordguy9

    swordguy9 Guest

    dude you didnt say anything at all about using Copyhaunters-XBE-ISO-patcher-v2.... what do you need it for?
  20. AssWooper

    AssWooper Member

    Jun 23, 2006
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    hi im trying to mod the old maps of halo 2 xbl, and i read the tut and i know old map modz, but i was wondering if making a disk is like puting h2 to ur hard drive. i have done that befor and i was wondering if u need like the fonts folder and all that stuff to make a disk. and also wat is firmware, old map modz told me i had to hack it but i dont know what it is. can usm 1 plz help me?

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