Anyone have a link to a site to get halo mods? Or can anyone tell me how to get them on my xbox...i have everything i just need the maps. i try to drag and drop them into my action replay memory card and it says not valid game save. what do i do? do i do somethin with the pff's? sorry if i sound stupid just need some help...if theres already a thread on here about this can u give me the link? thanks.
thanks for all the non help guys! lol but yeah i found out myself how to get the ppf's with smart ftp.
you have to download ppf o matic and merge the ppf file with the map then you send the map back to your xbox via ftp.
ok so wait how do i get the original .map's off my xbox into ppf-o-matic? then when i apply where does that file go?
you use an ftp program to take them off, then you put the modded map in the place it came out of,make sure you make a backup copy of the original maps incase they dnt work. ull find the original maps in this directory on your xbox: e/tdata/4d530064/$c/ then the next three files hold the maps.
ok so when i merg them...the ppf turns into a .map? and how do i get them off of smart ftp? just right click them and save or what? and how do i go about making up a backup file? even if they dont work i could always go in and download all the maps again right?
How to use a .ppf - How to Mod Halo 2 - How to FTP - How to get to your halo 2 maps - Those tutorials should help ya out a bunch
your doing nuthin wrong , the map is a map file in the first place so when you merge a map with a ppf , it stays as a map but becomes a modded one. now just put that modded map,( the one you selected in ppf o matic becomes the modded one, it overwrites it) and put the map back into the exact directory you took it from
what do you mean a new xbox live name, if you have a modded xbox or have halo 2 mods and you go on live your f*****.
uhhh using 2 months? duh. anyways i need MS BAckup file now cuz somehow mysteriously myne got deleted
If you are talkin' about me, then you are mistaken. That tutorial is used to learn how to mod...and those are the things that people want to learn. What I do is spark people's interest so they want to try to learn and explore more about modding. Its not my fault someone misuses any tutorials I've made. I dont say: USE THIS TUTORIAL TO MOD IN MM! Thanks for your thoughts tho.
Can someone test this for me because I don’t have any 2 month free trials and if it works then im gonna go buy a game that has 1 in it and do it. _____________________________________________________________________ How to get free Xbox live trials, The Easy Way!!! I have found a trick to get Xbox live trials free. I’ve been hacking websites for a few years now, and this worked! This is an automated technical support address that is used to help users find answers to common problems. If you’ve ever sent an email to Bungie saying that somebody cheated, they send you an automated report about what they are doing for cheating. What Microsoft doesn’t realize, is that there is a glitch in the system where you can get free Xbox live trials codes by confusing this automated address! If you send an email to this address with a specific format using HTML coding(YOUR EMAIL SERVICE WILL BE USING THE RIGHT ONE IF YOU HAVE OUTLOOK EXPRESS, MSN, YAHOO, AOL, OR NETSCAPE), you can trick the system into giving you 10 free unused codes. All you need is 1 unused Xbox live trials code for this to work. What happens is when you send your Xbox live trial code along with the HTML coding to this address, the system becomes confused. Within 2 hours, the system will send an automated response with 10 new unused Xbox live trials codes to you! The only problem is that the original Xbox live trials code that you send will become invalid, but that doesn’t matter because you are getting 10 more anyway! I have tried this many times, and I have already gotten 30 Xbox live trials and I am working on getting more! What Does This Mean?: If you follow the instructions below, you can turn 1 Xbox live trials code into 10 Xbox live trial Codes. If you do this 5 times with 5 different Xbox live trial codes, you will end up with a total of 50 Xbox live trials codes. If you do this 55 times with 55 different Xbox live trial codes, you will end up with 550 Xbox live trials codes, which is enough to get that Xbox! The possibilities are ENDLESS! You can do this as many times as you want, as long as you use a VALID Xbox live trial code each time! This is how it’s done: Send an email to and have the subject be “Xbox Live Trials”. Make sure You capitalize the letters!! Where the code says “type your valid Xbox live trial code here” you need to replace that text with your valid Xbox live trial code. This command will trick the system into sending you 10 unused codes within a 2 hour period. Here is an the code you must COPY and PASTE it to your email this exact sequence of numbers: 495873749//“type your valid xbox live trial code here”//4950838432 REMEMBER: Your Xbox live trials MUST BE UNUSED or the system will not recognize the code and won’t send you anything back. This is the EASIEST way to get Xbox live trials free! This method has been tested by hundreds of people just like you, and it has been proven to work.
Someone please ban this guys' IP address!!! I've seen many people like this kid. If someone tries this, you are an IDIOT! For one, why would the Xbox Live Service that MICROSOFT runs, be on a yahoo account? I've seen other run by hotmail. There is NO Xbox Live automated service. Just call them up: 1800-4MY XBOX. They can tell you if its a scam or not. This is one reason why I hate the internet now. People like this. Always trying to screw people over. The internet should be to help OTHERS! Not fusk someone over just to help yourself. Get a damn life fusking retard.