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What up, new to dvdr, need help,please read.

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by KillaG, May 17, 2003.

  1. KillaG

    KillaG Guest

    I have a SOny Vaio, that burns cds and dvds ( it says dvd rw- cd rw)

    The thing is it has cd-rom, not dvd rom. It plays my dvd movies when I put it on my dvd rw drive. If I were to buy a dvd rom drive, will I be able to backup my dvd movies?
  2. KillaG

    KillaG Guest

    come on guys, help me out
  3. MikeBUK

    MikeBUK Guest

    It's unusual that a DVD-R drive is not also a DVDRom drive. Have you checked and tested everything? If the answer is still yes then you need to get a seperate DVDRom drive and then yes you will be able to backup all your movies using DVDShrink or DVDXCopy or copy Xpress (or the like).
  4. commwiz

    commwiz Guest

    Are you sure it burns DVD? My laptop plays DVD and burns CD but won't burn DVD. And if it is a DVD burner, is it -R/RW, +R/RW or both?
    If it's any kind of DVD burner it should do what you want with the right software.
  5. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    I think the person who posted original question didn't look at their hardware properly

    : )

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