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How to take a screenshot (Official Guide)

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by KillMan, Jun 2, 2006.

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  1. KillMan

    KillMan Guest

    Hello all, I have searched and searched on end, and haven't found any guides on this, so here is my official screenshot guide:

    1. Hit the Print Screen key on the keyboard (Look at the green cicle on the picture below)Make sure that you have the screen all set to go.

    2. Open paint and hit edit ->Paste.


    3. Make all the changes necessary to make the picture look good, and hit file->save as, and make sure to save it as a .jpg file, not bmp.


    4. Upload the Image to a good image host like http://avatars.alwebs.info or http://imageshack.us


    5. Post the correct image tags, for afterdawn.com it would be for ex. [​IMG]

    Ask if you have further questions, or comments.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2006
  2. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Hey there dg0896, are you back yet AGAIN?
    Good to see you haven't changed, still posting lame sh*t, still breaking forum rules, and still as thick as a bloody brick wall...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2006
  3. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Oh and most everybody knows how to printscren....And if you do a search on google you will find your answer in 10 sec...You said you searched and searched on end...Ok you are either stupid or just lying

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2006
  4. KillMan

    KillMan Guest

    Why all the mean comments? I found guides in google, and figured I'd make one for afterdawn, also, I just made this guide tocoolfou, I have had a shout in my shoutbox, so that's why I did it, thanks, discussion closed, as I don't see I did any harm to anybody, and I don't see my breaking forum rules anywhere in this post. Tocoolforu, do you know what you are talking about, as 1. that pic isn't from that site I just uploaded it, and 2. I know the guy that runs that site.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2006
  5. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Dude, we where informed who you are, i reported this to the mods before you removed "your site" from your sig, so the mods will see it was there, and i can tell by the way you react that it's you.
    So just give it up, cause your days here are numbered....
  6. KillMan

    KillMan Guest

    Mods, is this necessary? I try to help the forums by posting a guide, and look what happens, the guy insults me for [bold]NOTHING[/bold]. Please delete all the posts here except my guide one, as come on, how dumb is this, he can't just say anything about me he wants, when he wants, if life worked that way where would we be, I am sorry, but this is ridiculous, and it will be outrageous if I get banned or suspended, as I did nothing wrong, so please delete this post and all the other posts in this thread except my originial guide one.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2006
  7. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Actually, you ARE breaking forum rules... and i quote :
    Linking to other sites = advertising, which is therefore against forum rules...
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    killman aka all these aliases, edit your sig or else!!
    KillMan (account created on 21 May, 2006) has used same IP address as dg0896 (banned on 23 Feb, 2006)
    KillMan (account created on 21 May, 2006) has used same IP address as dg089 (banned on 7 Apr, 2006)
    KillMan (account created on 21 May, 2006) has used same IP address as dg08966 (banned on 8 Apr, 2006)
    KillMan (account created on 21 May, 2006) has used same IP address as dg0898 (banned on 8 Apr, 2006)
    KillMan (account created on 21 May, 2006) has used same IP address as daboss (banned on 9 Apr, 2006)
  9. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    I knew my source couldn't have been wrong :)
  10. KillMan

    KillMan Guest

    I edited it, now can you please delete all these posts? this is supposed to be a guide, not argument, I want no further part in this argument, I want this "discussion" to be over, and want this to be a guide, I just want to get along with everyone, not argue.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2006
  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    fiend, observe.

    killman, the posts don't get deleted!!! edited all your posts with your sig in them as 1 see 2 in this thread alone!! so much for editing them out!
  12. KillMan

    KillMan Guest

    Sorry, I edited it from my personal settings, and I thought it did it automatic, won't happen again.
  13. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    the eyes are watching ye,and ready to eat ye..
  14. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    The Crawling Eye !
  15. Jannejt

    Jannejt Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    stop attacking against KillMan.
    And I know, he is banned several times before but now he is active, not banned so do not attack against him!

    I'll close that topic now, KillMan asked me to delete posts, but I don't do that. I think KillMan isn't do anything wrong after last edit, but after that few users are still sending crap to that topic. (I don't know what that sig was, but it's off now!)

    thread closed.
  16. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    **reopened only to make a point**

    lets step back and take a peek at a few things here.

    1. believe it or not there are people who still dont know how to get a screenshot, so this guide might be helpful to someone out there.

    2. so this guy has been banned before, so what. we encourage people that we ban to come back with a new nick and a new attitude. we are not in the habit of shrinking our member base, only weeding out the crap. (spammers are not including in that, we hope they die and rot forever).

    3. all the crap we've had here lately and you guys come in and slam this guy for absolutely nothing?? what kind of sense does that make?

    4. seriously people, think about it for a minute. aside from the sig thing, which i didn't see, what did this guy do wrong? look at the spiffy little guide, nothing wrong with it at all and it appears to be thought out well and surely helpful to some poor sap who dont know how to take a screenie. "we" all know how to do it, but does your mom's uncle's brother's cousin's neighbor who just got his first Dell? Someone out there can use this info, why the hell shouldn't we be the ones to have it available for them? say someone stumbles across it that has never been to afterdawn before. they'll see a nice helpful guide that provides them with info they needed, then a bunch of people slamming the guy that took the time to make it! what kind of messege does that send about us?

    there's no need to reply, so this thread will be closed again. I was personally a bit disgusted by the reaction this guy got just for trying to make something useful. sure he's been banned, but maybe, just maybe, he's trying to make up for it. just try to remember we all screw up sometimes, and we all would like the chance to make it right. if someone comes back with a new nick after being banned, and they dont seem to have brought the thing that got them banned, dont be so quick to rip into them. there are plenty of people here that have been banned repeatedly only to return and become very useful members of this site. the way i've always seen it, a new nick = a clean slate, we have plenty of ban button in the reserves should they start acting stupid again, but until then give them a break.
  17. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Hmm ... did you look in User Submitted Guides? :)

    How to post a screenshot or image & How to post it on Afterdawn
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