I want to put in a bigger hdd in my box already softmodded with UnleashX dash could someone post a thread to a tutorial onhow to do that or just reply and tell me. also my friends box screwed up and now he gets an error 21 is there any way to fix this it is unmodded and if not i woudl like to know how to get the files off of that hdd. thanks
You can use xboxhdm to clone your retail HDD to a custom one, here's a link to the tutorial - http://forums.xbox-scene.com/lofiversion/index.php/t244043.html -Mike
ok will do will prolly have plenty of questions (total noob to nething other then downloading and FTPing files and working with my dash)
Umm try going to this site also they have some pretty good instructions on how to swap them andd u probably have to re modd ur xbox with the evo dash instead of the unleashx and then later put unleash back on if you want to
hey mike nice 2 see u again. ne ways i am going to be upgrading my hdd this week but i need 2 no certain things. first. can i upgrade with my softmod? second i am upgrading 2 a 300GB hdd how can i use all the room? i really need your help on this. thnx in advance jkl
Hey jkl, hows it going? Here's a guide I found, this should help you. Here's the second of my tutorials...perhaps this could be stickied as well? Just follow these instructions, and using this method you will not need to do anything to your original hard drive which means that if anything does go wrong you will still have an xbox. Necessary Equipment: 1) xboxhdm 1.9 (Found at xbins’ in the directory: /XBOX/Operating Systems/linux/distributions) 2) Torx 10 And Torx 20 Screwdrivers - To Open XBOX 3) A Spare/Blank PC Hardrive 4) FTP Program (AceFTP, SmartFTP etc.) 5) A blank CD-R/W and A CD Burner Steps: 1. On your xbox's evox dashboard go to system utils and select backup. While your waiting for that to finish, extract all files in xboxhdm 1.9 to your PC'S hard drive and open up the folder 'linux'. In that folder is a folder called 'eeprom'. Once the backup is complete, on your PC run the desired FTP program and access your xbox. Go to E:\ backup_linux\ and download a file called 'eeprom.bin' to the xboxhdm\linux\eeprom folder of on your PC’s hard drive. Then go to the root of your xbox and download the full folders of C:\ and E:\ to your PC's hard drive to the xboxhdm\linux folder and overwrite the ones already there. 2. Now in the root of xboxhdm is a file named 'make-iso-win'. You must run make-iso-win and wait for it to finish once it has finished. Now burn the .iso which was created to a blank cd-r/w using nero or alcohol, dvddecrypter etc. When burning is finished shutdown pc. 3. Take out all other hard drives and put in the hard drive you wish to make an xbox hard drive and set it to be the primary master. Boot up your PC and as it is loading press whatever button to enter your BIOS setup and set your PC to boot from CD. Now reset your PC and put the cd-r/w with the .iso you created on it, in the cd/dvd drive. You should be given a list of options. 4. Choose Option 1 (by typing ‘1’) and press enter to boot VGA console with xbox-drive utilities (default). Type ‘xboxhd’ when it asks you for a login. Another list of options will show up, choose option 1 again (the one that says ‘Build a new Xbox HD from scratch’) and it will begin to format and write the partition table etc. If you put your C:\ and E:\ onto the CD then when it asks you about them type yes and when it asks you if you would like an F select yes, it is all pretty self explanatory. Now quit and reboot your PC. If this worked you now have a brand new nearly-usable xbox hard drive. 5. Now for locking the hard drive. When it boot from the cd again, this time type ‘3’ and hit enter to boot linux with locking/unlocking utilities. Next, type in ‘lockhd -a’. It will now search for the eeprom on the CD and will automatically lock the hard drive. Now turn off the PC and take out the hard drive when it has finished locking. Now put it back in your Xbox and load up and have fun! If you can't figure out how to burn the cd properly in Nero or whatever, don't worry, i NEVER do it properly lol, so just use the burn feature in DVD Decrypter and it'll burn the linux.iso in the proper bootable format for you to use it. Also, if your HD is OVER 137 gigs, you'll need to format the remaining space with UnleashX for it to be available once you're finished the upgrade. Edit - To save some people from buying a harddrive that isn't lockable and therefore wasting their money, please visit this link for a list of lockable and therefore Xbox compatible harddrives - http://www.xbox-hq.com/html/modules.php?name=Xbox_HardDrives By the way, did you use AID 3.0 disc at all? If you did, did you choose to install the DHCP version of the dashboards? Thanks. -Mike
thnx hey did the other mike ever get helped? i was off of the forums for like a month or two and i got on and saw thathe had asked me a question. so i was wondering if he ever got helped.
and yes i did use the auto installer deluxe v3.0...but i don't quite remember. ill have 2 c whether or not i did.
Nah he never lol. I was looking after his Xbox for the week and I couldn't get it to. The saves are stored as .STG and .KEY And no converter out there allows you to convert any type of save (.mem, .dxd etc.) to .STG/.KEY and renaming them doesen't work either lol, but thanks all the same -Mike
I was just wondering because i am swappiong HDD's also when u make the iso file is it supposed to be a winrar file or is it suppose to have an icon that wont let you run it because i have done this a couple times and i have seen it done without winrar but was just wonring if you could keep it in an unextracted file. Also is there any special way you need to fromat a 160 gig HDD becasue i keep seeing exceptions for =137 gig HDD's. sry about all the probabky dumb questions( I am a total noob at this stuff)
You've obviously set up winrar to associate itself with ISO files. You can remove this by uninstalling it then reinstalling and unticking the ISO box. Or just look in the WinRAR settings. -Mike
hi, how do u format the hard using unleashed becuase i have a 300gb hard drive and it says that it only got 121-130. can som one help me thanks ben