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LOTR wont play menu

Discussion in 'Video playback problems' started by Duke13, May 21, 2003.

  1. Duke13

    Duke13 Member

    May 21, 2003
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    I just got my pioneer A05. its great. I burned Lord of the Rings: fellowship to test everything out. I used Dvddecrypter, then DVD2One which all worked great. The menu plays in my pc, and a mac, but not in my dvd player. I just bought a Sony DVP-NS725P. everything else is great, but when i press "menu" on the remote, the menu doesn't show up. thanks for the advice.
  2. MikeBUK

    MikeBUK Guest

    Try using different discs to burn. If the same result you may have to change the stand alone player. Buying Sony doesn't necessarily mean you are buying automatic quality and compatibility I'm afraid.

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