Okay. I partitioned my 40 GB harddrive, giving 25gb for Windows and the other 15 for Linux. I formatted it using Ext3 and then i installed linux suse. when it does the boot from harddrive, after the root and regualr users are made, an error occurs. After all the stuff loads, it asks for login and password. The screen flashes off 2 or 3 times and then i get the X Server error. I have read that i have to edit the xorg.conf to match my settings. But is that what i have to do? I have a Dell Inspiron 1100 with an Intel(R)82845 i845 Chipset WHAT DO I DOO!!!
I had the same problem when installing my nVidia drivers. Edit you xorg.conf file and find the section that says driver "...." Yours may say Intel or Intel and your model number, replace it with "vesa" and restart. I hope that sorts it for you. After that you need to find install instructions for you correct driver, as the vesa generic driver will not give you any 3d acceleration. but it will get you a GUI to work with. Hope it helps.
You can recompile the kernel for Nvidia support if its not already done. (dont know how Suse comes "out of the box") ~Rich Edit: Here ya go. In case you haent seen this yet. http://www.suse.de/~sndirsch/nvidia-installer-HOWTO.html
@DoubleDwn That howto is pretty cool, but CT826 has Intel graphics. The only reason I mentioned nvidia is because when I first installed them, they crashed my X server and i had to change the driver to vesa to get back to a gui. i thought that solution might help out with CT826s problem.