Can you run these 2 programs on the same PC roxio can do some things nero caint do and nero can do some things roxio cant
rbrock- While I don't have Roxio version 8 yet - still on 6 platinum . atleast up to the version I have Roxio and nero don't like to cohabitate on the same system ! It may or may not work if you try it ! but you will have problems eventually ! So my best suggestion pick whichever program Roxio or Nero that you prefer /like better ! and install that Many members prefer nero ! Some like roxio , both do pretty much the same thing ! have'nt done a feature by feature comprisson lately -nero may give you a few more features ? anyway the choice is yours !Both work ! Not only does roxio not like Nero if you have an earlier version of roxio you'll have to uninstall it before you install the new version ! Good luck & Happy Choosing !rbrock
I tried roxio 8 did not like meny error problems just info Trusted Reviews blasts Roxio 8 'package is fatally flawed' Posted by Dan Bell on 13 May 2006 - 15:29 - Source: Trusted Reviews This is odd. The last version of this recording software, Roxio 7, was a very good product and has been given glowing reviews just about everywhere you can look. So, now we have have Roxio 8, certainly, it ought to be even better than ever, with maybe just a kink or two, right? Well, this gentleman at Trusted Reviews says, that even though the software recording suite is packed with features, it's riddled with bugs! Unfortunately, though packed with features, this package is fatally flawed. The central core, for instance, is littered with irritating problems and bugs. It doesn’t seem able to handle TIFF images correctly – the thumbnails come out scrambled. It’s one hell of a resource hog. Just flicking between the different views for standard PC folders, media organiser and custom albums can take a few seconds, and there’s a small delay when carrying out even simple tasks such as expanding folders in the tree view. And sometimes the file dialog just refuses to work. The problems don’t end there. Though easy to use, My DVD Express is about as flaky as a box of All Bran and falls over at a moment’s notice, especially when attempting to preview your carefully crafted DVD movie and slide show compilations. And the rest of the suite is similarly afflicted, with applications regularly throwing error messages, freezing up, shutting down and generally causing frustration and disruption. Well, don't candy coat it, tell us how you feel! This is very odd indeed and what is even more surprising, is that the issues could not be worked out prior to the release of this review. One has to wonder what is going on. In the meantime, we should watch to see if any updates come along to address the issues mentioned or if other review sites concur with this one. For those that wish to read more, you can visit this link and read the article in it's entirety. read the article here
@Ireland, Thanks for that little snippet, now I have some something to support me when I "bag" Roxio, Cheers.
gwendolin- What can I say I'm two generations behind 8 , anyway 6 works for me ! But given the review of 8 I don't think I'll upgrade to it anytime soon ! I realize that many afterdawners prefer Nero & that's cool too !Use what works for you ! Until DVD+R DL media comes down a lot more in price I really don't feel the need to upgrade ! Easy CD & dvd Creator 6 Platinum does'nt support DL burning ! but other than that it works for me ! Roxio has a tendency to burr up a good thing ! I started with easy 3.0 and it had the best track splitter program ! worked great no tweaking ! everything they did after that was crap! not as good ! too much tweak ths adjust that ect... Well when DVD+R DL gets to the affordable range I guess I'll convert to nero ? or something better if it comes along ! till then I guess it's me & 6 good luck gwendolin- happy burning !
LOL. Roxio sends me at least three emails a week asking me to upgrade to Easy Media Creator 8, and I'm so glad I haven't bitten. Thanks for the info. I only use Roxio to make audio CD's, and it does a fantastic job at that.
well I dummy downed to roxio 6 basic not sure if i'll run roxio 8 seems like i don't need all of the extras with 8 the ones i liked i could not get them to work right anyway