I dont know if anything has been posted about this before but for all the WOW players out there, we have all probably seen that gold is hard to come by and can take many of hours to get 1 gold piece. The question I have is does anyone know any secrets on how to get gold quicker without going to some website and paying for it? Any help would be great thanks!
And just to be on the safe side I should have put this in the post before but I'm not looking for hacking advice because i believe the game should be paid for and things of that nature, but just asking if anyone has run across any tips or tricks in the game that they have noticed that has earned them a lot of gold pieces in the game. Thanks
It's VERY easy to make gold. Use your professions. Skinning and leatherworking are excellent. I make donzens of gold a day
When I played I had a 60 rogue and went to black rock spiral. After going in I picked the left gate where the firelord is. Then I went to all the humanoids and I would mine the dark ore and pick all their pockets. They had about 5-7 silver each. There is like 100 down there. After I picked all the pockets would go back outside and reset the instance. Worked well for gold. After i got enough dark iron ore I would smelt it eventually and thens old it at the auction house....
How good is WOW I see everyone playing it but I don't even know what you can do(shoot,stab,magic..I know that) can someone tell me what WOW is about cause I am a PC noob