I'm trying to solve a DMA issue . It's on my mother in laws Dell Demension E510. I installed a dvd rom drive to use with her burner so she don't have to change discs when she is backing up her dvd. when I go to device manager She has 2 primary Ide channels then a secondary Ide channel The DVD rom is a ben q 1650v it shows up as the #2 of the primary Ide channels and when I check it it says DMA if avavl. and Pio mode underneath it. I have tried uninstalling this driver several times and it keeps staying in the pio mode. Also under Nero DMA manager it shows the burner DMA checked and the Ben Q not checked so I check it and restart the computer with no change. Any ideas? I having a hard time with this one.Im going nuts with this and Im probably going to remove it unless sombody knows whats up, Thanks in advance
Have a look here http://www.onthegosoft.com/dma_setting_nt.htm and here http://www.blackmaxpc.com/Guides/Enable_DMA.htm I hope this helps you.
Also, make sure your drive is enabled in the bios, check that you installed it correctly and that your jumper is set to cable select. Dell computers for some reason will only work with the jumpers on drives set this way.
Thanks for the advice. How would I enable it in the bios? like I said its not my computer so I don't want to hear about a mistake for years to come, again THANKS