How do I soft-Mod halo 2? anyone know? I have action replay will that help? do I need a mod-chip? thanks!
lol. u need a modded xbox first look at the softmodding tuts on then when u have a softmodded xbox u need to ftp and everythin look at the posts and stickies on this website like everyone else does. sry i just dont have time to talk cuz i need help with moddin old maps on halo 2 so once again sry.
well first off you dont soft mod halo 2 you softmod your xbox here is the tutorial...
Alright I did all of this a while ago and only had a stock hard drive so I just copied all the multiplayer files to my hard drive. I copied all the multiplayer stuff and it works fine (except the fact I can't play campaign.) But when I go to live I sign in and it takes me back to the start menu. Please Help!!
do you have the dual boot option??if you try to go on live with a normal softmod it will not let you....
ok yeah many sites have how to softmod ur xbox. and the trick to gettin on live is go into the Network Configuration settingon ur xbox andthe Enable: Yes flick that like 5-7 times and have it stop on Yes and save changes turn off xbox and turn back on Sign onto XBL and TADA!! U no i should be given an award for this LOL!!!! Questions: AIM--alexbreezy
lol there isn't a trick anymore to getting on live with a softmod you just use the dual-boot option and hit the eject button to go online lol...