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evox apps missing

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by conboms, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. conboms

    conboms Member

    May 24, 2005
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    hi,i bought a chipped xbox that i know nothing about.
    when i put it on this morning i still have the evox dashboard but most of the options are missing.all i get is reboot,power off,ms dashboard,settings but i cannot get into the apps which i could do yesterday.
    i can still play backup games but cannot get into the harddrive to play the games i have there.
    if anybody has any suggestions i would be very grateful
    thanks in advance
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    do you know how to ftp? if so, do the ftp. Ftp evox.ini from C drive to PC. Then open it with notepad and paste the code here.
  3. conboms

    conboms Member

    May 24, 2005
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    hi hope this is what you need i realy dont understand xbox thx

    # Retail HD config Created by SlaYer for the SlaYer's EvoX Auto-Installer v2.6
    AutoLaunchGames = No
    AutoLaunchDVD = No
    DVDPlayer = "e:\Apps\dvdx\default.xbe"
    AutoLaunchAudio = Yes
    #AudioPlayer = "c:\xboxdash.xbe"
    MSDashBoard = "c:\xboxdash.xbe"
    UseFDrive = Yes
    UseGDrive = Yes
    SkinName = Homer Xbox
    IGR = Yes
    UseItems = No
    ScreenSaver = 10
    Fahrenheit = Yes
    ShadeLevel = 90
    EnableSMART = Yes
    HDD_Temp_ID = 194
    DebugTSR = No
    ChameleonLed = 15
    GameRegion = 0
    TSR_Type = 1


    SetupNetwork = Yes
    StaticIP = No
    Ip =
    Subnetmask =
    Defaultgateway =
    DNS1 =
    DNS2 =
    SkipIfNoLink = Yes
    SetupDelay = 5


    Start_Button = Yes
    Back_Button = Yes
    L_Trig = Yes
    R_Trig = Yes
    White_Button = No
    Black_Button = No
    A_Button = No
    B_Button = No
    X_Button = No
    Y_Button = No


    JumpToMsDash = No
    JumpIfNoLink = Yes
    Use24 = NO
    SNTP_Server =
    SwapDate = Yes


    Enable = Yes
    #Username = xbox (this cannot be changed)
    Password = xbox
    IGR = Yes


    Enable = Yes
    Name = SlaYers_EvoX
    IGR = Yes


    ROM = "Original 3944",0x542C62CB976A4993C8C5027DFF9638CE
    ROM = "Original 4034",0xF20CD7574BB4B2A69810B2E9F766A90D
    ROM = "EvoX 2.0",0x76fd88337b8d8c1f116f85f3984b98b6
    ROM = "EvoX 2.1",0x99487615bb30670cb65993388fcf2a63
    ROM = "EvoX 2.2",0x220ade778785cfc3c98bb5ea8bbd8608
    ROM = "EvoX 2.3",0x057C9D0480FD498C91081DF50DD1F6DD
    ROM = "EvoX 2.4",0xE3CE66B99957A92FDAC40AF951C3F1FD
    ROM = "EvoX 2.5",0x5ad8e13005fa3e3383227c4bdb0ad85f
    ROM = "EvoX 2.3 no logos",0x855EF706E264351B056124CB538BDF56
    ROM = "EvoX 2.3 no ani",0x92BB4AFBBCBF4CF7DC376418286A8930
    ROM = "EvoX 2.3 fast ani",0x9C0654469CC90C33A7D54AC79C374380
    ROM = "EvoX 2.4 err no logo",0xE0109F21892D475D1DA1CBECC244C601
    ROM = "EvoX 2.4 err no ani",0xE03C7AF969933C821B4375E0D3DB6022
    ROM = "EvoX 2.4 err ybox nl",0x3E66E6832BC2C5D19C0637AEF00C7EDD
    ROM = "EvoX 2.4 err ybox na",0xD4CC70976EAE2D849627ADDC02997819
    ROM = "EvoX 2.5 err na nl",0x1ABC74B2B154160FFEE366A8479BF7B7
    ROM = "EvoX 2.5 err na nl evox",0xDDF255F5D4F4F3912A419FE278116C2D
    ROM = "EvoX 2.5 err na nl ybox",0x3F752E5381C9CC53D5DF8C28F4D68F71
    ROM = "EvoX 2.5 col err",0x688497922D63AF6385C8E37E1C19EADA
    ROM = "EvoX 2.5 col err evox",0x097C581438C69DE515A346D19A9D9C41
    ROM = "EvoX 2.5 col err S6T9",0x064af70778c01214d3924825838fa6a2
    ROM = "EvoX 2.5 col err ybox",0xFFDCCDDF7DDCF0ADB0C2FC70752BC7A1
    ROM = "EvoX 2.5 col err no ani",0xE1BF3D54A5F347C01645D4CA713568A6
    ROM = "EvoX 2.5 cm err na evox",0x48626499F85FBAF53A6DFE360F8CDE2E
    ROM = "EvoX 2.5 cm err na ybox",0x8BC27C5CBE5810B9C6A53C9D95B1DE14
    ROM = "EvoX 2.6",0xdd3de3542bff7b36cdb0dbe078c27fbe
    ROM = "EvoX 2.6 Ej Fix",0x2e1ec59dc8c295b462d5bffa73feaecc
    ROM = "EvoX 3.6",cb73b4914bb6c70b66e21377989726a0
    ROM = "EvoX 3.6ef",0xf754767b388ce7a08bf57304e24c9ae9
    ROM = "EvoD.6",0xc349c2b047a3d6c2de2e1c10185ecf86
    ROM = "EvoD.6ejct",0x74c6235497f474bf88b54b3fc52a20b2
    ROM = "EvoD.6 red",0xef744b3cb11a616ca79177170f4841cd
    ROM = "EvoD.6 red",0xa2d334ef382382eb1233aa95e9bb1bcd
    ROM = "EvoD.6 blue",0x04788b6a2c0ae55a2670d162a71151dc
    ROM = "EvoD.6 blue E",0xf21291e0f6c234bbbd1ad0e69bfc463d
    ROM = "EvoD.6 blue F",0x6d963467af0a93fc636fae7f50e713c3
    ROM = "EvoD.6ej blue",0x67ea6aa22a3b0e64b68912e41ef7d109
    ROM = "EvoD.6ej blue E",0x5272c09256bdfb1cf94a75c11ea45c1d
    ROM = "EvoD.6ej blue F",0x1764e6c46898a55c7c601d14bfb7dae8
    ROM = "EX D.6 blue F",0x6e1686b410a1a80a2025e73aa3f50394
    ROM = "EvoD.6ej na blue ",0xb2d87f04ef0486851998f35e87f0fb78
    ROM = "EvoD.6ej na blue E",0x1470758c30266c47c031da09aec4b46e
    ROM = "EvoD.6ej na red",0x39b989b3ba404b3a67d9d2ae11dc1c57
    ROM = "EvoD.6ej na red E",0xb63c6ef67db45cab00aad2b603541264
    ROM = "EvoD.6ej red F",0xb283ba81df4ca67055331d6fd2893ca9
    ROM = "EvoD.6ej na blue",0xcd3158097fd98aa65ba271024fb6c23a
    ROM = "EvoD.6ej na blue E",0xfc1ae335b061e3a88d04d3bf18d8e55e
    ROM = "EvoD.6ej na red",0xa2d334ef382382eb1233aa95e9bb1bcd
    ROM = "EvoD.6ej na red E",0xa2d334ef382382eb1233aa95e9bb1bcd
    ROM = "EvoXD6_MP",0x738e892e7cb1bf90d836eb205b61a667
    Current = 0xc3b5e71211d4bad0a51b9c3bbf2ddea6


    Enable = Yes

  4. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    copy and paste this at the END of your evox.ini

    Remember to add it at the end. Do not delete what in your evox.ini
  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest


    Section "Root"
    Section "Games"
    AutoAddItem "e:\games\"
    AutoAddItem "f:\games\"
    Section "Emulators"
    AutoAddItem "e:\emus\"
    AutoAddItem "f:\emus\"
    Section "Applications"
    AutoAddItem "e:\apps\"
    AutoAddItem "f:\apps\"
    Item "Launch DVD",ID_Launch_DVD
    Item "Trainers",ID_trainer
    Item "MS Dashboard",ID_MS_Dash
    Section "System Utils"
    Item "Settings",ID_Settings
    Item "Flash BIOS",ID_Flash_Bios
    Item "Backup",ID_Backup
    Item "Skins",ID_Skins
    Item "Reboot",ID_Quick_Reboot
    Item "Power Off",ID_Power_Off
  6. conboms

    conboms Member

    May 24, 2005
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    Thank you works now
    any idea what i done to break it in first place

    realy appreciated

    thx loads
  7. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    because you did not turn xbox off properly.

  8. jbadam01

    jbadam01 Member

    Aug 11, 2005
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    return on the autogame and autodvd launcher, if I change them to yes what would happen besides obvious
  9. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    If you change YES, then everytime you insert game or movie. Xbox will auto play.

    NOthing wrong will happen to xbox.

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