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Help With Locking / Unlocking 2 xbox drives

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by scamino1, Jul 4, 2006.

  1. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    Ok i have 2 hardrives.one is a segate 30 gig that i turned into xbox hd and my orignal 10 gig stock drive.Wat Happened.I was fixin my stock 10 gig with xbox hdm and i made a new hardrive from scrstch.then when i was done i locked it with my hd password thingy.i put it in my xbox and get error06 witch means the drives locked to another xbox or my comp!!!So i turn on computer with drive and i use the locker/unlocker and i type in my pass and i get a cannot unlock hd message! How do i get error 6 away and get my xbox working again?.And Now for the 30 gig i tried.What i did was use xbox hdm to make a drive from scratch.So it mqakes it from scratch. im too scared to lock it cuz i dont know what will happen.Can Some plez help?PLEZZZZZZZZZZP.S. when its in xbox i get error 05
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    oh just use the eeprom thats on that 10 GB drive and rebuild it again and lock it back...it can only be used in the same xbox it came of out alright.....
  3. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    wenever i use xbox hdm it asks me 4 choice a p or something else. i type a and it says command not found or something like that. and is it safe to lock my 30 gig from my computer with my xbox hd key?
  4. theridges

    theridges Guest

    yea it should be safe to lock it from the pc.....
  5. Unicron1

    Unicron1 Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    you are using the LOCK -a option right?
    This lockes the HDD with the EEPROM.BIN file on your CD in the EEPROM folder. Make sure it's the right EEPROM.BIN file, this can be done using LiveInfo V3 just open the EEPROM.BIN file in it and check that the xbox serial number matches the one on the bottom of the xbox. If not check if it matches the other xbox serial, if so your locking it to the wrong xbox. lol

    NEVER type in a HDD lock key always use the EEPROM.BIN file or you may end up locking it and not knowing the password!!!

    I have a nice tutor on getting the HDD password from an xbox, it also has a section on making a backup/restore CD.. may want to read it.


  6. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    what lock a- option . where is this. Even if i chose the-a option it wont let me. it says command not found what do i do?
  7. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    and i think i did lock with the xbox hd key with the orignal 10 gig.How do i unlock ?
  8. Unicron1

    Unicron1 Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    Ok, lets start over, ok.

    Your using xboxhdm_v1.9 ???

    If so good, if not what did you use?

    If you did use xboxhdm_v1.9 then you must have made the ISO image and burned it to CD rom?
    If you burned it to CD rom then when you boot the cd it should pop up to a command prompt asking you to choose boot option tools.
    here you need to pick option 3, boot to Lock, Unlock tools.

    after booting to this, it's simple to use the tools IF you placed your EEPROM.BIN file in the EEPROM folder of Xboxhdm_v1.9 BEFORE you made the ISO image.

    Ok at this point all you do is type unlock -A (automaticlly read my EEPROM.BIN file off CD and unlock the HDD for me)
    Then type REBOOT to reboot computer, then pick option 1 to go redo your HDD then type REBOOT again pick option 3 then type
    LOCK -A (again this automaticlly reads the EEPROM.BIN file on the cd and locks your HDD for you, also it sets master password for you too!)

    Now the master password lets you UNLOCK the HDD even if you F'ed up the HDD password!!! In xboxhdm_v1.9 it is set to ( XBOXSCENE )!!
    This allows you to unlock the HDD. I belive you can then LOCK it back with a new password.

    Hope this helps out. If you need more help, let me know.
  9. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    my cd has the eeprom file. i made 2 cds to make sure. i have xbox hdm 1.9 and i type -a or a or A or-A and it says command not found.also when i made the linux thing i never extracted i just burned wqith dvd decryptor ? did i do something wrong?
  10. Unicron1

    Unicron1 Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    After extracting xboxhdmv_1.9 (I'm going to call it XHD from now on)

    you should have a folder that XHD is installed in.
    In that folder is some files, and a folder called LINUX.
    go into the LINUX folder and you will see more files and
    a folder called C and E and EEPROM
    in these folders is where you need to place your C drive files (dashboards and stuff) E drive files and in the EEPROM folder is where your EEPROM.BIN file goes for your xbox your are making this cd for.
    after that exit back to the main folder that has all the files and the LINUX folder listed.

    Now if there is a LINUX.ISO file already in that folder, rename it or delete it. Then run the file make-iso-win.bat that will creat the restore cd for YOUR xbox with YOUR software on it, like XBMC and Games and stuff that you put in the E folder.

    Then after it makes the LINUX.ISO file or ISO file burn THAT to CD rom and boot it up to work on your xbox HDD

    now when you do the unlockhd -a or lockhd -a option it will find the eeprom.bin on the cd rom and unlock/lock your xbox hdd.

    Now if you changed your hdd password by mistake than thats another problem.. let me know what happens for ya.

  11. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    ok on the xbox hdm there is a file that says linux.inside is all the good stuff that i put in and the iso linux folder . do I Delete this or leave this?in the iso linux is a image file that says freeboot . Dont know if this tells u anything. but i still get no command found when i type -a or a.and i locked the drive with my xboxhd key and it wont unlock.
  12. Unicron1

    Unicron1 Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    Let me get some info together for ya and see if I can help you out better? OK..

  13. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    ok hope u can thanx
  14. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    Hey Rigfdges And Unicorn I Borrowed My Friends Broken-unmoodded-opened xbox. he said if i could fix it i could by it. when i turn it on it says x box live is updating your system. Then it says live is not responding. i get microsoft logo when i turn it on and i cant play games or get to dash. Its not modded but i can open it if needed . i cant access with flashfxp. How do i fix this.P.S. I already tried plugging into internet. doesnt work. If u can help , i plan to mod this. Also i have the evox dash on comp. If i can unlock hd and hook up 2 comp. Can I mod it with just the evox dash by putting it into the dash folder? Can u guys [or any1] help?
  15. thekingo7

    thekingo7 Regular member

    Jul 21, 2005
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  16. Unicron1

    Unicron1 Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    NO NO NO!!!

    DON't TRY that link shit! That hot swap stuff will fry your PC man.

    My XBOX had the same excact problem and if you read my tutor you would know that cause I explain the same problem there and how to fix it.

    Every one here thinks that HOT sawp shit is the best way to fix things but it isn't...

    I'm tired of fooling with the ppl one this board I'm removing all my stuff.

  17. scamino1

    scamino1 Guest

    i fixed it using explorer 360. and ur right it does f@*& up ur comp. Anyway after 37 tries with explorer 360 i got it. i still want 2 fix my xbox{if possible} just so i dont have another usless box lying around. thanx ridges and unicron. P.S. Still need to fix other xbox

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