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Oblivion white screen, option menu crash

Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by xytor, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. xytor

    xytor Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Hi, I installed Oblivion on my laptop with an ATI Mobility RADEON 9000 video card and I know that it is not supported and is way under the system requirements, but many other games that are above requirements play, as long as the options are set to their lowest settings.

    When I started oblivion, it looked good. All the cutscenes and menus work, but when i started a new character, aside from the menu that let me select the face/race/look of the character, the screen was white. After making a random character, I appeared in another white screen, with the bottom menus (like the compass) working fine.

    When i tried to change the video settings, after I change them to the lowest setting and click return, the game crashes.

    Is there any way to make it work?
  2. Jizmak

    Jizmak Regular member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    Your graphics card is NOT supported,
    Just like mine. But you CAN get it to work,
    Im running it on my unsupported 9200se at medium settings.

    FAQ For Unsupported Video Cards.

    Its the second post on the thread.
    The link can be found below.

  3. mark5hs

    mark5hs Guest

    did you try oldblivion? its a package you can download free that makes oblivion playable on crappy computers. you can get it somewhere on tessource.com
  4. xytor

    xytor Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    yes! oldblivion works! thank you.
    albeit not the best graphics (sometimes fails to load bushes outside, so they appear light blue)
    but better than a white screen. I actually think that the local map looks better in oldblivion than oblivion on a high end computer.

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