HD DVD won, you just don't know yet.

Discussion in 'HD DVD discussion' started by rihgt682, Jul 5, 2006.

  1. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    People are not going to buy 2 Different DVD players so we must have a winner. and the winner is HD DVD.
    Blu ray has 50gb (double layers)
    HD DVD has 30gb (double layers)
    1hour HD program is 5.5gb.
    Do we relly need 20gb of EXTRA FEATURES?
    One Best reason why blu ray lost is because of the [bold]PRICE[/bold]
    Who would pay $1000 for blu-ray when you can get HD-DVD for $500. Even the movie cost more in Blu-ray.
    When people walk in to best buy and see that HD-DVD and Blu-ray has almost same picture quilty and same sound quilty. (which they can't even tell the difference)They're going to pick HD DVD.
    It seems like sony made another BETA mistake.
  2. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    This should have been posted in the thread

    "...and round one goes to HD-DVD"

    Not made into a new thread.

  3. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    I'm not talking about ROUND ONE. I'm talking about the who won the WAR.
  4. DamonDash

    DamonDash Guest

    No one will win because just about all the major Hardware makers for DVD are making a Muitformat Player thats going to play both HD-DVD & Blu-Ray.There in no War you guys need to stop buying into the Hype.Its a choice just like buying a car.Like Ford v Chevy.
  5. dblbogey7

    dblbogey7 Guest

    I'd like to see your sources for this statement. Do you have any links to internet articles or press releases?
  6. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    Not true. I don't think blu ray and HD DVD will work together. No ONE is going to buy HD DVD player and Blu ray player.
  7. DamonDash

    DamonDash Guest

    [bold]Samsung to Offer Blu-Ray/HD-DVD Player[/bold]
    By Ed Oswald, BetaNews
    September 6, 2005, 12:15 PM

    There is still no agreement in the fight to become the de-facto standard for next generation DVDs, but at least one company is preparing itself for the possibility of competing technologies and will produce a DVD player that will be able to play both Blu-ray and HD-DVD formats.

    A Samsung executive told the Financial Times Deutschland that while the company is pushing for a single standard, it is ready to produce a player that would be compatible with both formats.

    [bold] LG drops plans for its Blu-ray player in favor of a universal player[/bold]

    LG has added yet another twist to the ongoing Blu-ray vs HD-DVD format wars. According to an internal memo, LG has dropped plans to launch its BD199 Blu-ray player this spring. "In light of uncertainty in this early stage of the market for pre-recorded high-definition optical discs, we have decided not to introduce the BD199 as originally planned for this spring," said LG sales VP Bob Perry.

    The spring release of the BD199 would have played well with Sony's May 23 launch date for Blu-ray content. Instead, the company will release a hybrid player that can playback both Blu-ray and HD-DVD content in late summer/early fall
  8. DamonDash

    DamonDash Guest

    dblbogey7: there you go.
    rihgt682: Very much true my friend, dont buy into the hype machine.
  9. dblbogey7

    dblbogey7 Guest


    You haven't proven your statement. You said ALL MAJOR HARDWARE MAKERS.

    You have ONLY SAMSUNG and LG. How about Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic, Pioneer, Denon, etc, etc. No one else has announced a multiformat player. Do you have other links?

    Your article is also outdated. It's from September 2005. Here's a more recent statement from Samsung from June of this year:


    Samsung Fully Supports Blu-ray, Denies HD DVD Combo Reports

    Samsung is being very careful so as not to piss-off Sony.
    (Hat tip to eatsushi for the link)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2006
  10. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    @ dblbogey7,

    I'm glad you posted that before I did.

    @ rihgt682 ,

    Did you even read the tread. If you did (which has been my point from the beginning) you would know that time is the only variable that means anything right now. Both formats are in there infancy and have very far to go.

    When I read your thread I thought that you would shed some light on the whole Toshiba still wants a unified format annoncement but instead you base your own conclusions as to why HD-DVD is better than Blu-ray. Then you talk about manufactures. I the manufactures are making a Blu-ray/HD-DVD player, in 2009, how is that declaring HD-DVD as the winner or the war?

    So if there is no war and we are all just talking about these technologies in their own thread for no reason then which technology do you choose DamonDash?

    I think thats a darn good question.

    Untill I see prof of research...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2006
  11. eatsushi

    eatsushi Regular member

    May 7, 2006
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    Here's a report about a device developed by Ricoh that will be able to read both HD-DVD and BD:


    The important thing to note is that they hope to commercialize this device "by the end of next year" which means realistically 2008 for hardware makers. By then we would already have several next-gen players plus the PS3 and the 360 add-on. By then the "war" could already have a winner.
  12. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    Even they have HD-dvd/Blu-ray (which i don't think it would never happened) It's going to take years to hybrid together. Have you seen how big It is JUST for Blu-ray right now.
  13. DamonDash

    DamonDash Guest

    Thx you eatsushi.Some people only see the things they want to see.First off saying its a war is Crazy why.They both do the samething to a degree there is nothing nex-gen about Blu-Ray & HD-DVD.Its not like going from a VHS to a DVD.Blu-Ray & HD-DVD is a enhencement tool use for better clarity & more content on the disc.I think the word nextgen get throw around to much.
    [bold]dblbogey7[/bold] i did not say all the major hardware makers i said just about all next time read before you reply.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2006
  14. dblbogey7

    dblbogey7 Guest

    LG, Ricoh and (maybe) Samsung cant be considered "just about all." The three of them are a very small minority of DVD hardware makers. Ricoh makes DVDRW drives but I don't think they make standalone DVD players - anyone correct me on this. Plus like the link said - Samsung is concentrating on BluRay and will hold off plans for a combo depending on the market. Anyway I think you missed eatsushi's point - He says by the time Ricoh comes out with that device it may be too late - there may already be a market winner. These three companies are NOT "just about all."

    Ced and me are still waiting for your links about the other major hardware makers like Sony, Toshiba, Pioneer, Panasonic, Denon etc. announcing combo players.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2006
  15. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    So I guess you don't think Xbox 360 and PS3 would be next gen because they do about the same thing as Xbox and PS2 but only with "Better clarity and more content on the disc"?

    I'm sorry but I just don't subscribe to the "its not as big as VHS to DVD" theory.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2006
  16. dblbogey7

    dblbogey7 Guest

    I agree with Ced 100%

    In my opinion - and using the proper equipment - the improvement of HD-DVD over standard DVD is greater than the improvement of DVD over VHS. Once BluRay gets its act together this will aslo be true with BD's. I don't watch regular DVD's anymore unless they're upconverted to 1080i. Even then the PQ is still inferior to true high def sources.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2006
  17. gogochar

    gogochar Guest

    Opinions, opinions, opinions. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk,tsk.
  18. lecsiy

    lecsiy Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    @Dammondash (Your 1st post)

    Man you right! I thought it was gonna be a war. Like everyone else. But if you think about it that makes so much more sense.
  19. DamonDash

    DamonDash Guest

    LOL. Samething you just choose a format with better picture clarity.Yes 360 & PS3 are next gen because they dont do the samethings as X-BOX or PS2.I would say more so PS3 not because of Blu-Ray but the Cell processer the first of its kind.The Cell chip is going to come in home PC,Labtops etc......You dont call something Nex-gen because its a enhancement over the samething you call something Nex-gen because its not the same as the past its Revolutionary.Have you guys seen a HD-DVD hooked up to a 1080P set yet? i have i work around it everyday at my part-time job at H.H.Greg.The picture is a lot better but nex-gen NO !
  20. dblbogey7

    dblbogey7 Guest

    I have a 60 inch Sony SXRD at 1080P and the Toshiba gives the best PQ to it so far. I have also seen the Tosh in action on my dad's 1080p Ruby projector on a 110 inch screen. The PQ is just awesome.

    You may not agree with my opinion but nothing you can say can change it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2006

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