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Need a real b.i.t.c.h. thread for members on up

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by garmoon, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    posting as per ddp's request:

    My bitch is there is really nowhere you can bitch. Years ago when I was in school, if there was trouble the coach just got the two together and put the boxing gloves on.
    How about a thread that is only accessible for say "member status on up" called The X-rated Flaming Thread. Let anyone say what they want in public and let the MODs intervene when it gets really bad. That way we all can see how this sh#t actually does play out-this present thread has turned ugly. I learned months ago you can't argue with some people here politely, so I try not to argue at all and that's tough on me cause I love an argument. Just my two cent bitch!
  2. andersg

    andersg Regular member

    Aug 19, 2005
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    That sounds like a pretty good idea. but I can also see things getting a little out of hand
  3. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    did you mean me garmoon.................
  4. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Do you have a guilty conscience? LMAO
  5. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    not really considering a certain member or should i say x member and i tangled quite a bit................
  6. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    absolutely not.

    Seems like I'm missing all the flame wars in the console forums. I'll have to check them out.
  7. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    just watch out you dont get on the bad side of the admin like me
  8. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Why haven't I seen this before...that's a great idea!
  9. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    which part, the flame war or the admin thingy
  10. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Hell, if a flame war happens, as it likely would, then it happens. So what? They don't last forever. But you know, nothing wrong with a no gloves rumble every now and again! ...the ol' Philadelphia gang war style ... the side with the most and talented members win the war! I'm just to tired of getting into these really interesting discussions, even with those of a different opinion, and have a great discussion or intelligent arguement only to have someone come in, get his two cents in, curse at you with foolish nonsense and name calling, say his piece before telling you its against forum rules only well after he went out of his way to break those rules big time himself. I can hold my own in a flame war but I always back down as I don't want to cause anyone grief by getting his thread closed.
  11. andersg

    andersg Regular member

    Aug 19, 2005
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    I agree, People could let out some steam sorta like in the safety valve thread and get stuff off they chests.
  12. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    BRING it on , i could do with a decent flame brawl.But i think ketola would probably re ban me and dela would be shaking his head in disgusr.So in hindsight i'll pass
  13. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    But I think that was the whole point of garmoons thread: a place for a good serious discussion ... a genuine attempt at real conversation or intelligent arguement...but when flamers come in, we needn't back down. Garmoon is absolutely right on his point...its a shame those of us seeking genuine intelligent discussion (or even comical stuff) can't do so because of certain people who come in goading for a fight by their little comments here and there until someone gives in to the goading.

    ANYONE who deliberately enters a discussion with which he disagrees is either looking for 1) Intelligent discussion for 2) a fight which they started but always blame on someone else. Like garmoon, I'm tired of it.

    Neph once started a thread which he called "The POLITE Gun Debate" which must, by nature, dive into politics. There were only two of us, as I recall, who backed gun control talking with people with their own personal arsenals lol! But it was great! ...probably because it was neph's thread and he has the ban button. I'm not afraid to disagree with people or even joke about it but I'm certainly not the sort to just start calling everyone every name in the book because they don't have the same position and then get everything shot down and closed because of a damned fool or two. As garmoon said, could be any discussions whatsoever, (provided they're reasonably clean, I'm sure) but perhaps with the premise that one is willing to discuss or joke intelligently or he doesn't join in. I'm tired of people whose only purpose in joining a discussion is to fight. If it operated the way garmoon proposed, you couldn't get banned.
  14. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    irrespective of what you think, take it from me.The admin wont allow it.You all saw what happened last time.Whether it is confined to one thread or the whole forum, it will get out of hand and then the admin will have to get off there proverbial fence and take drastic action , like ban us.Its hard enough with addicts.Are you really thinking of the consequences of having such a thread active......

  15. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    That's the point we ALL saw it. If only the people that have been around for a while are allowed to see it then it might work and might be funny to the point of showing how absurd some members can get. Now we are about to lose Jan and Stang. Who's next?

    Edit: spelling
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2006
  16. andersg

    andersg Regular member

    Aug 19, 2005
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    What do you mean, we're about to lose Janrocks? an Svtstang?
  17. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    i'll miss janrocks , she's always welcome at my other site
  18. andersg

    andersg Regular member

    Aug 19, 2005
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    How come they're being banned/leaving?
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2006
  19. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    garmoon, you know as well as me that for that to work you need to have a separate forum for the seniors and addicts.It has been suggested in the past but at this stage the admin and mods havent decided and i'm not an addict anymore, dont even feel like a senior.Reckon drd would make me a permanent newbie.They have more fun and are less serious than when you get to the higher levels
  20. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    my works' email blocks the this thread due to word bitch; just another excuse for them to moan so thread title tweaked.

    for me personally who has to chase the little pervs around and clean up thread after thread etc etc etc, i think there's already far too much unnecessary stuff going on around the place as it is. If people have nothing better than to flame or be pointless or racist or gender-phobic or whatever, it just needs either removing or stopping. There's already the safety valve if people feel the bizarre need to let off steam. I spend time on other sites whether for work reasons or just plain info-gathering to fix annoying problems and i rarely come across a miniscule fraction of the nonsense that goes on here, day after blessed day. Like most things in (real) life if there's problems they need addressing, or just plain stamping out. This is only gonna happen around here by NOT allowing the sillyness to be allowed to escalate in the first place; too many idiots with too much free time to cause too many problems. I personally hardly have time to prowl here each day, not enough time to bitch anyways!

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