does anyone know about this process/application? Contained in C:/Program Files/Eazy-Ware. Are you running it?
what's it scheduling? how was it installed? is it part of some other software? can you give any more info? I contacted tech support at symantec. He identified it as a trojan. Any thoughts?
Search Google for schedulers to find more info on them. It may have come from a trojan, it will not hurt to delete it. If you have no use for it, not sure where it came from or are worried about it get rid of it. The tech supporter is probably correct.
~update on this. Thanks everyone for looking into it. I tracked it to an Outlook backup utility I used when I migrated my system. ----------------------------------------------- "ezsched.exe is the backup scheduler used with our backup programs "Express Assist", "Eazy Backup", and "OutBack Plus" Is is definitely not a trojan." -----------------------------------------------