Hi, I usually burn at 4x, but lately I've been short on time, so 15 minute burns kind of suck. So when I burn at 8x, I get 1 or 2 "rings" on the bottom of my disc. I did some research and supposedly they are caused by differences in burn speed and should not effect the playability of the disc. True? Also, how common is this, does anyone here consistantly get "burn rings" on the bottom of their discs? Also, totally unrelated to the topic at hand, are TYG02's burned on BenQ 1650's supposed to have high PIE (40ish Max, 200,000 Total)? I always have low PIF (3 Max, less than 100 Total), but the PIE always seems unreasonably high. The discs are always 99 quality in CD/DVD speed and playback perfectly...
Yes, I do experience "rings" sometimes when I burn at 4x. I never get them when I burn at 2.4x But surprising, the rings do not cause any playback problems.
@Draugr Yeah!Me too before i used to get rings on my dvds.First i thought that my burner was going to let me down.I even thought that these rings would affect the playability but after several checks,never had a problem and finally learned that the rings were in fact due to change in speed while the burning process. And concerning the burnt TYG02's on your 1650 having high PIE,there's no need to worry because when you use the -R format the PIE rate tends to be higher than if you use the +R format.Try to burn some +R format medias(it would be advisable if you use the same Taiyo brand media to get better accuracy and comparison). If you say that even though the PIE rate is quite high but the quality score is 99(which is surprisingly very good) and play flawlessly,then i wouldn't bother too much about the PIE.As not to forget,a successful burn means that you're not having any playback problem with the media in question and that you are satisfied about the quality and result.The proof is the quality score you get almost all the time and the flawless playback! Vincent.