Does anyone knows what happened to Can someone PM me a site that is similiar to I hate sites that required you to signup or vote, vote, vote. Blah. Blah. Blah! I need some cheat files for my M3. thanks!
rom sites never last... ever. google + torrents = your friend linking to roms violates these forums rules, so dont expect an exact link. *edit* i just brushed up on the rules and it says its cool to link to a torrent site, so... those are the two i use, but i think finding cheats only there could be pain, so try google to find em.
Cool! Thanks. I know, that is why I asked for PM (Private Message) me so that no rules will be violated! Again, Thanks!
if anyone is looking for Ds roms use Mirc and join an undernet server and join #roms thats where you'll get the latest roms too.
I'm in total respect for your complaint. Since July, has denied access. You can also try is an emulation source (ex. GBA - VisualBoy) is an information resource and are cheat guides For GBA and PSP roms, I have no idea? Romreactor was the best site advice I've seen in history! The mastermind web developer should take notice!
thanks for the urls but the problem here is that you have to vote and do other junk before you can download the cheats/roms! NO GOOD! I like romreactor because all you have to do is click and download. cheers
Actually, rom sites can last a long time, since most operate outside of the USA and other countries that have laws against this. Just the same applies to p2p giants like edonkey.