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Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by smithy333, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. smithy333

    smithy333 Guest

    is there a thing that you can use in runescape that does everything for you mining, smithing, wood chopping fighting (etc) for you with out you touching the computer. If there is how can i download it.
  2. xytor

    xytor Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Well, not directly. There are macros that hack into the game, but those are very detectable, and probably will steal yout password.

    There are, however, applications that control the mouse that aren't made for runescape, but for automating repetitive mouse tasks.
    There are two that I know of; Ghostmouse and MyMouse.
    Ghostmouse lets you record a mouse function that can be as simple or complicated as you want. (there is a trick to make it loop too, but we can discuss that once you have the program)

    MyMouse (created by a guy named Jason Cox) basically just makes the mouse click every so often (1 second is the fastest, but this is good since this rate of clicking is just slow enough to escape runescape's detection algorithms) With mymouse, you still have control of mouse movement, so that saves your index finger (although you can place your mouse somewhere and leave it there, and it will keep clicking)

    Both of these programs need you to generally be near the computer since the runescape world rotates, but they can save you from carpal tunnel syndrome...
  3. smithy333

    smithy333 Guest

    yeah i have downloaded the ghost mouse, now what do i do.
  4. xytor

    xytor Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    you could read the readme that comes with it.
    To create a loop, click record, then do some runescape actions, and then click play. It will then loop. To stop the loop, press CTRL.
  5. tashsiung

    tashsiung Regular member

    Jul 7, 2006
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    by the way, not to offense anyone, but I think Runescape is one of the most bad MMORPG I've ever seen in terms of graphics, jobs, gameplay etc...

    try private servers of:
    Ragnarok Online (RO)
    Lineage II (L2)
    Rising Force (RF)
    MU Online (MU)
    Rose Online
    World of Warcraft (WoW)

    you can find them on:
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2006
  6. ofolion

    ofolion Regular member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    Agreed! RuneScape is possibley the WORST MMO(massively multiplayer online) game out!

    Also you if you make like the same mouse clicks or something repetatively on RuneScape it will trace it and ban you...also if you go AFK whilst its running and a random thing happens and you do nothing...your account will most likey be banned...will give you a chance to play a decent MMO!
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    tashsiung & ofolion, knockoff the flame attacks or i'll flame both of you!! your choice.
  8. xytor

    xytor Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    The reason we like runescape above games like ragnarock is simply because other mmorpg's focus too much on combat, making them repetitive, boring and redundant. Once you played one, you played them all.
    In runescape, there are many skills that we can focus on, many quests to do that are outside the paradigm of redundant dungeon crawl or fetch, and many other things to do.
    It is true, the graphics may be the worst of any other modern mmorpg, but in my opinion, the gameplay is the best.

    Additionally, it takes up no space on the hard drive, and the free play is free forever, not some 14-day trial.
    Whenever I leave runescape and try other mmorpg's, I always come back to runescape.
  9. smithy333

    smithy333 Guest

    wat lvl r u in runescape xytor
  10. ofolion

    ofolion Regular member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    If you ask me runescape is more repetative than any other game out MMO game out there; you say there is many skills you can focus on...well yeah there is about 15 of them or something but training them up is possibley the most boringist thing EVER...say for fishing...you go to a fishing place...click fish...wait 30 seconds...drop what catch or whatever...do it again...same for mining...go to a rock...mine...go to bank...repeat...

    Say you want to get like 5 levels on a skill...it would take you about 3 days of CONSTANTLY doing the same thing over and over and over...thats not repetative?

    On most other MMO's you have skills like that but its much more "easy going" to get them up. You aren't constanly doing the same thing...there is no team play in runescape...you cannot go around in a party and hunt together or anything like that...

    One thing i do like about runescape is the quests...in many other MMO's quests are stupidly simple and like you say often focused around combat...but that doesn't make it a bad thing...the thing that makes them bad is quests that are like "go there kill 50 of these...come back" those type of things aren't really much a challenge, granted most are moving away from this, WoW for example is at first a bit like this but then becomes more advanced quests. I would like to see more storybased and skill based quests in other MMOs...

    Another annoying this about runescape is the community; its full of 10-15 year olds and its so annoying...you can't walk though the city without seeing people going "free money n armor folo me" trying to scam you, people saying "need a gf/bf!!", "hw mch 4 ur armor pl8 plz" it gets very fustrating.

    So anyways i dont really know why i wrote all this but finally i would like to say that there is some good points to runescape, like the quests, but the constant grinding and community make it such a bad game in my opionion that i cannot bare to play it anymore.

    P.S. I was going for "constructive critism" here wasn't trying to flame :S sorry for before
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2006

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