I just got a sony DRU820a 16x burner and when i do a burn i can only pick 2x and 16x speeds, i like to do my burns at 8x but i just dont have the option to do it, and im using verbatim 16x media, is there a setting or something that im not seeing, can someone please help me out. I use Nero and shrink. Thanks for any info.
It is the correct answer, his drive does not support the VERB 16X's at 8X, so if he wants 8X he should buy them.
@bondo222 Check and make sure the Sony's firmware is up to date - this may help it recognize & report the correct burn speeds for the 16x Verbs. The latest is 1.0b. http://sony.storagesupport.com/dvdrw/firmware.htm#820a You can check Nero to find the current version. Go to ToolKit>InfoTool>drive tab. The will be a field there listing the current version.
ok the firmware was uptodate and still no luck..i found out that i can pick my speeds if its a already burnt dvd..wierd, anyways im not liking this dvd burner, the access time is 130ms and is very nice but it takes almost a min until it actually starts to do a burn which suckes when u are doing ALOT of burning. I think im going to take this back to bestbuy and try out a pinoeerDVR-710B5PK..has anyone heard anything on this burner? My LG i had only was fast to start burning but the access time was 145ms which i didnt like.
I'm having the same problem with the write speeds. I have 8X media and can't burn at 4X, the slowest it goes is 6X. I'm using T02 Yudens, with a Sony DRU-800A writer, and I've updated to the most recent firmware.
@Joshewah With the latest firmware for your drive I'm not to sure on why Nero will not list the lower burn speed on the media. Which app in Nero are you using? You have a good drive - rebadged Liteon - so try burning those 8x TY's at 8x (6x if you feel more comfortable). I burn these 8x discs at 8x all the time - no problems on my end.
@Binkie, I have noticed in DVD decrypter when I look at the Blank media info, my 8X Yudens show that they are only compatable with 6X and 8X burn speeds. With my 16X sony media I get the same thing except now 6X, 8X 12X, and 16X. Its like variables of 6 and 8. I just checked my panasonic yudens (TYG02) DVD-R 8x, and they are compatable with 4X, 6X and 8X, but they are -Rs not the +Rs. As long as you think I'll be fine burning at 6X its all good, but I really would like to be given the option of burning at slower speeds if the media says it can be burned slower. (Its not just Nero either, all programs wont burn my 8X media slower than 6X.) I really have to thank you Binkie, you've helped me out quite a bit lately.
@Joshewah No problemo - I only wish I had a better answer for you on why your drive is not listing the lower burn speeds on the Taiyo +r's. My feeling is you should be fine burning at 6x - but try it out and see how it works for your setup and players. I see if I can get the doc on this who I think has this same drive (LiteOn SOHW-1693S)
hehe when a lady calls, especially when it's binkie7, u can rest assured i will come and help~ anyways, Joshewah, i believe i chimed in few days ago in the dvd drive forums to help you personally on your "booktyping/bitsetting" question, i then wandered off until i came back today~ as for your Liteon SOHW-1693S, for the 8x dvd+r YUDEN000T02s, i have a strong feeling that because of the SONY firmware you are using, your are limited to burning @6x for your slowest speed...sometimes "good quality media" does that to ya! i personally burn ALL my Taiyo Yuden 8x rated media @8x like binkie7 does, have been doing this for a good 1.5 years now despite everyone else telling me i should burn at half the rated speed of the media, everyone's setup/system is different, but you really shouldn't worry considering you're using Taiyo Yuden media in BOTH formats dvd-r & dvd+r~ the Liteon SOHW-1693S is a good drive, it has been good to me, i happen to be using KSOB firmware found here: http://www.liteonit.com/DOWNLOADS/ODD/SOHW-1693S/firmware/DR16KS0B.zip since this update is fairly new (few months ago this year), i CAN manage to burn 8x rated TY media @4x (firmware specific), but i choose NOT TO, LOL...don't worry about burning slower than 6x, your Sony (rebadged Liteon) is a more than capable drive of producing good burns @6x or @8x on Taiyo Yuden media~ are you using the latest firmware from Sony? KY06 found here: http://sony.storagesupport.com/dvdrw/downloads/800FWKY06/800A_KY06.zip no worries... docTY
ok i just got a new burner, a samsung SH-S162L and now i can only burn at 16x which really sucks. I have no idea why its doing this..very wierd. Any ideas. Im not to sure on where to get the firmware either.
Hey bondo222 The latest is TS06 http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2229 Have a blank in the drive?
It would be the TS06. Here's a link too to Samsung's site - they have a live update program too. http://www.samsungodd.com/eng/
@Doc Yep, I've got the most recent firmware, I'm about to get the firmware from the link you provided and see how that floats my boat. If both you and Binkie feel that I'll be safe burning at 6X then I'm completely fine with that. It's just difficult sometimes when you see people being persistant about writing media at 4X and they stress it to the death, but I guess slow burning was influenced upon them as it has been to me. I won't worry about it anymore now. Thanks again Doc & Binkie
No problemo Joshewah! I suggest 4x if the media and/or drive is iffy (based on what burn speeds the drive will support of course). Doing regular pc maintenance, keeping sufficent memory free (no multitasking), using the right media along with a good burner 6x & 8x speed should do ya fine. We both have been burning at this speed on good media for a couple of years with minimal at best problems. Try it - if you have any problems just let us know!
@joshewah i forgot to mention, using the Liteon firmware for your Sony does involve cross-flashing your drive, it's not something i would recommend if you are unfamiliar with the process and it DOES invalidate your warranty~ also, in many instances of incorrectly done cross-flashes, there is that chance to completely FRY ur drive and will render it inoperable (read as TRASH BIN time); i don't say this to scare you or make you nervous, just wanted to point out the sometimes "not-so-obvious" precautions a lot of people are not aware of when they consider cross-flashing firmwares~ it is DONE at YOUR OWN RISK, just wanted to give you the proper warning ahead of time if something were to go wrong in the process, please don't blame it on me as there is nothing i can do with a fried burner~ LOL for the time being, i would be happy with the most recent Sony firmware, i actually have an earlier model, the Sony dru-710a which is a Liteon SOHW-1633S rebadge, but i chose the SONY firmware of BYX5 over that of it's Liteon counterpart because i feel it's pretty good~ for the Liteon SOHW-1693S, i have the actual OEM Liteon unit, it's not a rebadged Sony~ so that is why i am using the Liteon firmware for it~ be confident in burning @6x or @8x on Taiyo Yuden media, as binkie7 mentioned, we've both been burning at those speeds for years; if your drive is capable of doing so, especially with TY media, i see no REAL reason to suggest burning any slower; i think the general "rule of thumb" that you hear around the forums is "burn at 1/2 the rated speed of media"...this would be especially important on "less than avg. media" but in YOUR case using TYs for both formats of media, i've come to rely and have confidence in Taiyo Yuden's standard of quality, thousands of backups later they all remain excellent burns~ docTY