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linux install problem, hdd unlock issue

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by pfitz, Jun 3, 2003.

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  1. pfitz

    pfitz Regular member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    I have been trying to install linux on my xbox with much dismay. I have two ps2 keyboards that i use along with a ps2 to usb converter to connect to the xbox, they initiate but I cannot type anything. the lights on the keyboard light up, but thats all. also, i tried using my wireless keyboard for which the receiver unit has 2 ps2 connectors (mouse&keyboard) and i also use the ps2 to usb converter to connect it to the xbox. this keyboard functions but when i type a character, several of them follow. for example, if i simply type "h", this appears hhhhhhh and so on. (ssssseeeetttuupppp) and a no known command error message is displayed. any suggestions? please help. one more thing, i have two xbox systems. on the second one, before making a full backup, i left my system running with the format option highlighted and my son cleared my partitions. since i dont have the key and now the drive is all empty, how can i retrieve the key to unlock it? please help!!!!
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